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"The world is at its fall and all shall flee!" - the Royal espers cried out as they evacuated the halls of the dreary palace. Father stood grimly before the wildly adorned throne, now looking as dull as ever. The Dukes and Lords circled around it , all with a worried look prevalent in their eyes. Most of the citizens had already started escaping the kingdom.I could see the last of the carts and carriages leaving . Father gave out a sigh as the graveness of the situation crawled into his mind . In this eerie silence one of the Dukes pulled out a silver sword crawling with blood-like rubies at its pommel, from his awarded waistband. He pointed it towards himself , clear desperation in his eyes and hands shaking with indecisiveness . Nobody stopped him, nobody tried to stop him. A blood-curdling cry echoed throughout the wide hall as he fell to the ground, his cold bony hands clutching onto the hilt of the sword. His face showed blended expressions of pain and relief. The patterned carpet slowly turned red as his eyes rolled to the back of his head showing his white sclera .

It wasn't the first time I had witnessed a death. I remember when I was eight and walked in on the hanging body of my mother- turned blue and red with her eyes closed and lips pursed into a sad smile. Nothing could be more gruesome to see for the eight year old me who ran to her father screaming while tears poured out relentlessly. I had run and run persuading the espers to cure her , to turn her back to what she was but no one moved, no one held the power to bring her back and no one wanted to. She hung there until the lowest of the helpers came and unhooked her rotting body. Hatred took her life- A voice had said. Hatred?Why? I had asked but none answered, they looked away from me in disgust , in grave contemplation. I was hidden away, locked in the smallest of the chambers . I was left alone in that insignificant little chamber. The only time I ever got a peak of light was when I was brought food or water. It was as if father wanted to forget he had a child or rather he wanted to forget me . I once sneaked out on my twelfth birthday. As father saw me I saw his eyes trembling in inexplicable fear. "Remove her from my sight" he had ordered as the little smile on my face faded away. I never tried to run away - I was bound by the four fern walls of my small home.

The rumbling sounds broke me from my nostalgic trance and became more and more audible as time went by. No one spoke , they all knew it was the end even if they did not want to admit it. We had at most three weeks till they reach our kingdom. I wasn't supposed to be here, I wasn't supposed to know what was actually going on. I wasn't supposed to flee either. They had forgotten about me and so did father. It was only due to the havoc in the palace I was able to sneak out . I peaked into the hall one last time before heading towards my room. I wasn't going to run, this was my home, i wasn't going to bethrow all those memories and run away from my past. Something struck me then , we didn't have the power to stop them but she did- She who was a myth.

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