Haela and the wonders.

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                                        Haela and the wonders one warm spring night a baby was born, i special baby. She had hazel eyes, for elves that were a rarity.Her mother Akira and her father Kyrlim named the beautiful and rare baby after the goddess of beauty, Haela. When Haela was a baby she had a big sweet tooth! She loved, loved, loved, apple pie! As her Grandma bakes apple pie a lot! She also really enjoyed the water, she loved going in baths. She also adored hedgehogs! 


Fast forward to Haela's first birthday! Yes, this was very exciting, and the whole kingdom came to the ceremony.Because Akiras sister Nakira was the Queen of Fondaria. When the ceremony began everyone was giving the young childand her parent's flowers, bread, money, her grandma gave her apple pie! Everyone was so happy even Haela was happy! Then after the ceremony, Haela's parents gave her a very special gift. It was a hedgehog! Not any average hedgehog! A rare species of white hedgehogs, you might wonder why are they so special? Well, they glow in the dark,yes you read that right they glow in the dark! There were only 2 of these rare species of hedgehogs in the whole kingdom! Including Haela's one! When she saw the hedgehog she shouted:''Orley!'' Her parents stood there shook, was her first word ''Orley''? So they all decided that the hedgehog's name shall be Orley. 


The next day was time for the ''Flower granting ceremony'' you probably don't know what exactly it is, well. It's a special ceremony that is made after every babies first birthday! What happens in this flower ceremony you may ask? In the''Flower granting ceremony'' each baby is granted their plant or flower! It was very exciting because the floweror plant would determine the baby's whole life afterward! If it was granted a blue, pink, green, or purple Flowerwould mean that the baby is an uppercase elf and has much more opportunities than a yellow, orange or red flower!On the other hand plants such as Mini palm trees, room plants, cactus, and much more would be a lowercase elf andwould have fewer opportunities, but all elves, either way, had a job as a warrior or even a market cashierwould get a lump of bread and a barrel of water every week! Now to the ceremony, as Haela was very special her parents were nervous because if she would be a lowercaseelf they would have to give her away. After all, there's a law, Higher case parents, higher case children, lowercaseparents, lowercase children. That's why it was so very stressful. After an hour and a half, the ceremony has beenclosed. The final results were in and turns out she was a Purple Chinese Aster! That was extremely rare as onlygoddesses had such a beautiful flower and a purple one? That's just extreme. After that day everything changed. After a few days, Haela met a boy her age, well 1 year older but that doesn't matter. At first, they bothwere very shy, it was slightly awkward because Daemeon hasn't seen a darkskinned elf before so it was somethingnew for him. After a few minutes, Daemeon crawled to Haela and they both giggled. From there on they became veryclose friends. Every day they met up and they were very happy when they were together, being friends was amazing! They were so adorable. 


Then Daemeons 2nd birthday came up, and Haela was very happy. Daemons mom Naira was very excited too! And it was summer,so everyone was super happy because most elves favorite season was summer! I mean who doesn't like summer! In Fondariathe 2nd week and Friday of summer was a holiday! Its called " Summer Storians " When its summer moral all the small, bigold and young elves came to one place and listened to ancient stories, legends, and a lot of different stuff!Daemoenwas born a week before! Then finally came Daemoens birthday! He turned 2 when on the other hand Haela just turned 1. Daemeon only hada mother, his father died when he wasn't even born yet, but he died proudly because he fought in the war. Naira, Daemeons mother had a very very very special present for Daemeon, it was a kitsune! Kitsune's were quite rare in this specific kingdom. They both called it the beautiful kitsune ''Plotaria'' It sounded wonderful. In ''Fondaria'' children weremore intelligent than most that's why they showed more emotions than human children. Also in Fondaria children went to school when they were only 4! That's also why elves are so smart, and they know how to make the right decisions always.There were a lot of jobs, but the most popular ones were warriors, teachers, doctors, and healers. You might be a littlebit confused, doctors and healers? Aren't they the same thing? No. Doctors treat physical wounds and that kind of stuff.But healers on the other hand were way more important, they granted the babies their flowers, also they treated mentalwounds.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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