Chapter 1

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Maybe it all started when my father shipped me off to Hogwarts, maybe it started before that, I don't know. But what I do know is that everything I ever knew in my life crumbled in 4th year, the day I met Harry Potter.

Life was pretty normal for me, as normal as it can be coming from a pureblood family, my name is Emilie Davies and I come from an uptight family in Scotland. For much of my life I was homeschooled by my Uncle Chester, but now my fathers agreed to let me go to Hogwarts!

As I boarded the train I glanced around at all the bustling students trying to find an empty place to sit and I smiled, this was sure to be a fine year. I pushed my way through a bunch of students, and then I found an empty compartment. I walked in and noticed it was completely empty, weird. I sat down and opened my Defense Against the Dark Arts book. I would need to refresh on most of this stuff because I was taught it at 11.

I was reading peacefully when I heard my compartment door open,
"Well well, what do we have here, a new student it seems."
I glanced up and immediately recognized who this was. I've seen him in the Daily Prophet a few times, this was a boy who came from a powerful family, one of the sacred twenty-eight. This was none other than Draco Malfoy, son of Lucius Malfoy who is believed to be a death eater.

Growing up I learned that to be a part of the sacred twenty-eight your family didn't need to be death eaters, you just needed to be pure. Being a death eater was purely a choice in some households. Mine? Well we believed in pureblood supremacy, but we never got involved with he who must not be named.

"Yes, I'm Emilie Davies."
"Well, Emilie Davies, you're in our compartment." Draco carried out my name like it was a disease. That's when I glanced behind him and recognized the others. Pansy Parkinson, pureblood, snobby from what I hear. Blaise Zabini, pureblood, keeps to himself, and his mother has a new husband every year. It's believed that she kills them for their inheritance.

"I'm sorry, it was the only place empty." I smiled slightly at the three people in front of me. Just then, a girl I knew as Pansy Parkinson stepped forward, "are you daft? This place was empty for a reason."
"Leave her be, I don't see why she can't sit with us," Blaise Zabini had spoken up.
"Maybe just this once," Blaise had sat down beside me while Draco and Pansy sat on the other side of the compartment, "so Emilie... are you pure-blood?"
"As pure-blood as it can get, Malfoy."
The others started chatting and so I pulled out my book again, it would be a way to make the ride go faster.


I woke to someone shaking me awake, "hey, we're pulling into the station, you might want to get your robe on." Blaise had whispered quietly. I stood up and groaned, I didn't want to be up, I attempted to reach my bag on the shelf above us but it slid back against the wall and I couldn't reach it and I huffed. Malfoy chuckled and stood up and got it for me, "bit short aren't we?"
"Shut up."
I grabbed my bag from him and dug through it. I had put my robe at the bottom of the bag so I had to dig through all of my stuff to get to it, when I felt my robe I pulled it out and slid it on.

The train then pulled into the station, I looked out the window and all I could see was pitch black. I turned and grabbed my bag and opened the compartment door.
"You may want to wait a bit, it gets crowded." Malfoy said to me.
"No offense, but I'd rather not." I pushed my way out into the hall and immediately bumped into someone else.
"Don't worry about it! This happens every year. I'm Hermione Granger, are you new?"
"Is it that obvious?" My face turned bright red, and I averted my gaze from her, "No, not really, it's just I've never seen you around Hogwarts before. Well, and your robes are black, you haven't been sorted yet."
"Oh, yeah, right." I chuckled in embarrassment.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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