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His body seemed relaxed, her hands were resting on his knee, as she sat in front of him. "That slutty?", she asked, as he told her the story of the nurse, who obviously had tried to seduce him. She laughed, her head fell back, as she did so. "Poor you", she resisted the urge to hug him, he just looked so huggable. His eyes looked tired and droopy, his body slumped, his lazy smile, still seemed to be full of life. She smiled back. "You should go to sleep", she suggested, he shook his head, stubbornly, "something tells me, you won't be there when I wake up", he replied, stifling a yawn, making his face scrunch up. She laughed, "wow that took so much energy", she laughed even harder, "it's not even funny", he said dryly.

"You won't get any better if you don't rest, Jayden", she said sternly, her hand lifting off his knees and placing itself on her hips, he smiled! she truly looked adorable. Her face was small, the beanie she wore was covering half of her left eye and was drooping slowly off. The t-shirt she was wearing covered half her legs. "I always knew I was irresistible", she said wiggling her eyebrows, he laughed, she had seen him.

"Yes, yes you are", he said, and then laughed. She smirked and began dancing about his room, shouting on about her gloriousness?

"You owe me a hug", his arms widened. She lifted an eyebrow.
"Why?", she asked her head cocked to the side, the beanie slipped a little more to the left.

"I said you were awesome", she didn't seem convinced, "a thank you hug", he pleaded, he smiled innocently. She huffed out a breath, and walked reluctantly into his arms, his head rested on her collar bone. As his hands were on her lower back. It seemed so normal, to have her in his arms. No, to have him in her arms.

"Excuse me sir", snapped the awfully nasally voice of his second nurse of the day. Her high pony tail, rested on her neck and her hands rested on her hips. "He's not allowed visitors", she pouted, he laughed. "Actually, I am, if that person is a very close person to me", he said.
She couldn't help but snort at the face she gave him afterwards. "And who is she, your mother?", she asked, Katie laughed even harder, causing him to look at her with a look of pure adoration. "This, oh so happens to be my girlfriend", he declared, causing her to nudge him lightly on his elbow. "And she doesn't appreciate your attempts at flirting with me", he said, the voice he used made him sound a teeny bit older than he actually was. She laughed, nodding. "Of course I don't, were you not taught that stealing is bad?", she asked, cocking her head to the side. She glared, Katie did the same, "a stare contest is pretty cool, usually",he said, his hand resting on her knee.

"You may leave now!", he announced, to the nurse. Who only rolled her eyeliner dripping eyes and sauntered out of the room. Kara laughed, her hands sacking against her knee as she did so.

She too realised that she must leave. She had spent far too long with the boy. She must go. Her father, she had forgotten her father, for what seemed like hours. She truly was disappointed with herself.

He frowned, seeing her troubled expression. What was she thinking?

"You okay?", he asked, even though he suspected the answer. She shook her head.

She stood up, almost abruptly. His hand fell off her thigh as she did so.

"I have to go", she replied with a curt nod, as she beelined for the door.

He sat there, completely alone as she once again roamed the hallways in sadness.

I have changed this book a little bit. It is now not a full story, but a short story.
the story will be maximum ten chapters long, and an epilogue. So yeah. Sorry for the long wait.
Ed Sheehan never fails at making me cry. The song above is small bump, which is absolutely adorable!

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