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I woke up.
I wasn't myself, I didn't feel right, I was in my room, in my lonely empty house, without anyone except my demon that lived inside my head, I had no one, my parents disowned me after they found out I kissed a guy.
Yeah I had the band, but I was too scared to show my face to them after what happened.
"Tommy? You in here?" It was Adam, urgh what does he want,
"What do you want Adam? I don't want to talk to anyone."
"Tommy is this about what happened on stage?"

I couldn't tell him, I didn't want him to know I liked him, he wouldn't be with me, he probably wouldn't talk to me again. Because all this time he thought I was straight, he'd be so mad if he knew the truth, all those fever kisses weren't just for stage purposes, well to me at least.
I've liked him since the moment i'd met him, which is why I'd always let him kiss me, because I loved it, I loved him.

"Adam please leave me, I need space, I wish I could tell you, but I cant, you'd hate me."
"Tell me what?"
Shit. nice one Tommy.
"Nothing," I mumbled
"Tommy, I would never hate you, you know that, please just let me talk to you."
I shuffled towards the door, and opened it, and the beautiful man that stood before me made me cry even more. I wish I could tell him, but I'm too scared.
"Tommy, oh my god what's wrong, kitty please talk to me,"
I couldn't talk, all I could do was wrap my arms around him, I took in his smell, making me melt a little inside,
"Glitterbaby, stop crying, I'm here."
And then I felt my knees give way, and I fell, onto Adam, knocking him over.
"I'm sorry," I whispered as I stood up and started walking away, it was becoming hard for me to control myself, I needed to get away before I did anything stupid.
I started running.
"TOMMY!" Adam shouted
I didn't listen. I just kept going.

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