Chapter 18

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Blake woke up dizzy. Everything was dark around him. Dark and cold. "Jenna?"

"Blake?" Her voice was small. "Blake?" Small and panicked.

"Jenna, where are you?"

"In a corner."

Blake stood, pain searing up his arm when he used it to stand. His eyes adjusted to the dark. They seemed to be in a concrete room. The door must have been made of concrete as well. He felt along the wall with his good hand. "Jenna, say something again."

"You're standing on my toes."

Blake jumped back. "Sorry." He looked closer and saw Jenna curled into a small ball on the floor. "Are you hurt?"

"No. At least I don't think so. I'm just cold."

Blake took off his suit jacket, then sat down next to Jenna, "Here, take my jacket. I don't need it."

"You sure?"


Jenna took it and wrapped it around her. "Where are we?"

"I don't know."

"It's dark."


An ear splitting scream split the air, and echoed through the walls. Jenna wailed and covered her ears. Blake did the same.

Five minutes later, the screams stopped.

Jenna started to cry. "I want to get out."

Blake felt helpless. "I know. So do I. We just have to wait. Matt and Nicole will come back."

"What if they don't? What if we die here?" Jenna wiped her tears. "I want to go home."

The concrete door slid open and Winston stood there.

Jenna whimpered and Blake moved in front of her. God, backup would be nice.

"Ah, my friends, you're awake." Winston opened the door wider and let light in. "Jenna, isn't it?"

"What do you want with her?" Blake growled.

"Just to talk. In private. Make a few deals."

"I don't think so."

Winston's jaw set. "Well then, let me know if you change your mind." He closed the door and within the minutes, the screaming sounded again.


Nicole was in a rush, calling her family. She didn't care that it was 3 am. Her and Matt had stopped at a gas station and parked for the night, making their calls. They were going to hit the stores as soon as they opened to find things appropriate to wear.


Cole's husky voice filled the line, "Nic, do you know what time it is?"

"Yes. I need your help."

She heard a yawn, then his sleep filled voice spoke, "What?"

"Blake, me, Matt, and Jenna went to Denver to have dinner with the governor last night. They needed to ask him about his son being involved in the weapon smuggling."

"You went all the way to Denver?"

"Yes, but that's besides the point. Long story short, the governor is involved too and he has Blake and Jenna."

"What?! Where are you now?" She heard rustling sheets. "No Hazel, it's Nicole, don't worry. Go back to sleep."

"I'm in Denver with Matt. At a gas station."

"Alone? With him? Nic..." Cole warned.

"Trust me, he's harmless. I need help. We need reinforcements. There's a bunch of legal stuff going on now that the governor's involved. And we need to get Jenna back. And Blake." Her voice choked on the last word.

"I'm coming. Text me where you are."

Nicole blinked. Just like that, he was on his way. "No, go to the police headquarters on Cherokee street. We'll meet you there." She paused. "What about Hazel?"

"If you have any common sense, you'll call Dom and I'll drop Hazel off with Chloe. There is no way they are coming with us, if there's a chance they could get hurt."

"Okay. I'll call Dom, then Hunter and Jack. See you soon."




Cole slipped back into the bedroom to see Hazel holding his pillow to her chest as she slept. He hated to wake her, especially at this hour. "Hazel." He whispered gently.

"Just one more minute." She mumbled sleepily.

He grinned, "Hazel."

She swatted his hand away. "One more minute."

He tore the covers off her and picked her up. "Awake?"

She snuggled her head into his chest and closed her eyes, "Nope."

"C'mon you need to get ready. We're going to Dom and Chloe's."

"What time is it?"

"Early. Nicole's in trouble. Or, the entire state is in trouble."

Her eyes shot open, "Is this about that weapon case?"

"Yeah." Cole gently set her down. "Is it okay if you stay with Chloe? I don't want you getting hurt. Or you could ride along. Whatever is best for your anxiety."

"As long as you promise that you won't get hurt I can stay with Chloe."

Cole kissed his wife's forehead, "Deal."

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