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Tails: Hey Shadow

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Tails: Hey Shadow

Tails: I umh...got something for you

Shadow: Hmh?

Tails: H-Here! *hands him a blue tulip*

Tails: I-I pick this up for you

Shadow: Huh, a blue tulip

Shadow: .....

*sudden flashback*

Maria: I pick this up for you

Shadow: What is this?

Maria: Is a blue tulip

Maria: These are my favourites flowers

Shadow: Huh...

Shadow: It's pretty

*end of flashback*

Shadow: Maria....

Tails: ....what about her?

Shadow: This reminds me of her

Shadow: She loved these flowers

Tails: ...heh, must say she had a good taste for flowers

Tails: These are my favourites too, after sunflowers

Shadow: .....

*sudden flashback again*

Maria: Don't be afraid to show who you really are Shadow

Maria: Especially with people who you care for

*end of flashback*

Shadow: .....

Shadow: Tulips are the prettiest that there is out here

Shadow: But you know...

Shadow: No flower's beuty can be compared with yours

Shadow: Cause you're always gonna be the most beutiful being there is

Tails: .....

Tails: Shad....

Tails: *hugs Shadow*

Tails: I love you so much Shadow

Shadow: Love you too my sunshine

Shadow: Love you too

Can you guess why is in english?

I found out some reader is english speaker

So I was like "yeah, why not a Quote in English?"

And here we are

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