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Preston felt Vero's grasp tighten as they stumbled in through the front door, dull aches and pains shooting through every part of Preston as they continued over to the living room. Vero carefully lead him to the sofa before letting out a deep, heavy sigh.
"I should have known this would happen," Vero murmured quietly, concern laced into his voice and his expression softened. Preston leaned back into the soft cushions of the sofa, closing his eyes and ignoring the metallic taste of blood in his mouth.
"Vero, it's fine, we got away..." Preston murmured, only quieting himself as he felt Vero's insistent stare.
"You don't look fine," Vero murmured.
"I feel okay right now," Preston insisted despite his own mind practically screaming the opposite. He could feel every slight movement make his head hurt more and as each second passed he could feel more blood oozing out of the various wounds he had obtained.
"You're a bad liar," Vero replied flatly, scouring the room for the first aid kit David kept thrown around with all his other things. Preston didn't bother arguing, instead watching Vero toss aside some clothes in a pile before finding what he was looking for.
"And you're too reckless," Vero scolded and then pulled out a small rag from the first aid kit. He sat down carefully next to Preston, waving his hand in a familiar motion that brought a water bottle from the kitchen to Vero's hand. He poured the water onto a rag and began to carefully clean the wounds on Preston's abdomen while he continued to talk,
"You don't ever block, you don't pay attention to how much power you're using, you don't know your limits—"
"Vero, it doesn't feel great to be lectured after all that you know," Preston huffed, leaning his head back and wincing at the slight sting from each wound.
"I'm telling you all of this again because you don't listen to me," Vero replied simply, shaking his head as another silence fell over them. He continued to dress the wounds, wrapping bandages around them as delicately as he could, his gaze shifting up to check every once in a while if he was hurting Preston too much. Preston had opted instead to close his eyes and quietly hum a tune as a way to keep himself too occupied to focus on the pain.  Eventually, Vero had finished cleaning and dressing all the wounds along Preston's arm and chest, and now reached up to tilt Preston's head forward, looking closely at each of the cuts adorning his face.
Preston looked sleepier now; being taken care of was relaxing and it had been a very eventful day for the both of them, so Vero wasn't surprised to see Preston yawn and struggle to keep his eyes open.
"It's not fair..." Preston mumbled tiredly, instinctually leaning away as he winced again when Vero touched the spot where his eyebrow piercing had been ripped out. Vero sighed a bit, pulling his hand away for a brief moment and looking confused,
"What's not fair?"
"You're always taking care of me. You only got hurt today because you were trying to protect me, and now you're doing all this."
"If you were more careful I wouldn't have to do any of that," Vero replied, moving his hand to Preston's cheek before pausing again.
"You shouldn't think of me so much when we're fighting. It distracts you," Preston huffed in response.
"I can't do that."
"Why not?" Preston asked, furrowing his brows annoyedly but leaning into the warmth of Vero's hand against his cheek anyway.
"Because you're all I think about," Vero answered bluntly, wiping away blood from the corner of Preston's mouth afterwards but letting his thumb linger against Preston's lips. Preston wasted no time in becoming completely flustered, pulling Vero's hand away and turning his head sheepishly.
"Stop moving so much," Vero said, slipping his hand out of Preston's grasp. He sighed exasperatedly and gently tilted Preston's face towards his again. He continued to clean the blood off of him, seemingly clueless to how embarrassed Preston was. 
"I can do the rest," Preston suggested awkwardly, but Vero made no move to stop. It didn't take long though for him to finish up, placing the last bandaid across the bridge of Preston's nose carefully. Vero smiled softly, gently ruffling Preston's hair before he stood up.
"What about you?" Preston asked, gesturing to the dried blood on Vero's face and hands. Vero waved him away dismissively, making his way into the kitchen as he answered,
"I'll take care of it later. More importantly... you've hardly eaten today." Preston listened to Vero shuffle around in the kitchen for a bit, closing his eyes sleepily once more and taking up more of the couch to lay down.

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