A Distant Feeling of Nothingness

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Taehyung was not pleased with having a ghost roommate, even if she was pretty. It wasn't that she was annoying, or scary, she just seemed so melancholy all the time. She just kind of drifted about, not having anything specific to do.

Sometimes she would just stare longingly out the windows, watching kids with their parents and couples hold hands as they walked down the street. When she would watch this, she would absentmindedly fold her hands together, seemingly not even noticing her own movements, before moving on to somewhere else in the house.

Occasionally she would curl into a ball on the couch, staring at nothing for hours at a time. She knew every place in the house and had shown Taehyung a few secret places to hide things behind mirrors and loose floorboards, but she never went anywhere.

"Hey, Soo-Yun.", Taehyung called out, she was startled and looked up at him with big doe eyes, confused, "What are you doing?", he asked. It was one of those moments where she was staring out a window.

She seemed nervous about answering the question for a moment before she brought a huge smile to her face, "I'm just looking for any cats or squirrels, they like to roam around here a lot.", she said, her eyes darting back to the window a few times.

Taehyung raised an eyebrow at her obvious lie, "Do you not have anything else to do? Why not watch a movie, or go outside?", he asked. Her smile dimmed, becoming more solemn,

"Heh, about that... technology freaks out around me, often either bugging or turning off completely. I Kind of suck the energy out of it accidentally.", she said, a small blush coming to her cheeks, but it disappeared as she remembered the other part of his question,

"I can't go outside, every time I try to open the front or back doors, even the windows, they won't open, as if they're locked, even when I know they aren't.", she explained, making a few motions like turning a doorknob.

She looked out the window again, her glazed eyes filled with nothing but longing.

"Ah. Well, it's kind of exhausting to watch you mope about, so let's do something. Play a board game, or watch a movie, something. Can you eat? I'll cook.", he says, feeling awkward at the sudden sad atmosphere.

Soo-Yun gave a small laugh, "Unfortunately, no, I can't eat, but I'll watch a movie. the first movie I've seen in 21 years was last night. With that Yoon-gi guy. I can sleep, too, which is weird.", she said, getting a nod in response as Taehyung moves past her into the kitchen. Soo-Yun followed him, hopping up onto the counter next to the stovetop.

"Well, don't get jealous, but I'm gonna make myself something to eat, I haven't had anything since before practice.", he said, making Soo-Yun tilt her head in question,


He nodded, "Yeah, dance practice. We have a concert coming up soon, so there's a lot of preparation to do, so I might not be here for most of the week. I mean, I'll be here every night, but I'll be gone most of the day.", he explained, pulling out his phone as he waited for the oven to preheat. He opened his photos app, pulling up a specific photo. Extending it to her, he was showing her a photo of him and 6 other very handsome men on stage, all in coordinated outfits. There was a huge screen behind them, displaying the acronym BTS on it.

"BTS? Are you in a boy band?", Soo-Yun asked, looking back at him, making him put his phone back in his pocket. He laughed,

"I guess you could say that. It's what people just call a Kpop group. Did they have that when you were alive?", he asked, tilting his head towards her, looking up at her through dark eyelashes. Soo-Yun would be lying if she said she didn't feel her heart skip a beat at the look he was giving her.

"Um, well, I can't say if they did or didn't. I can't remember anything from my old life anymore. I used to, but as time went on, pacing the hallways of this old house erodes memories of anything except this house.", she said, swinging her feet back and forth in a childlike manner, despite the tragedy of the words she was saying.

Taehyung gave her a sympathetic smile, "Well, then consider yourself lucky, because now I can introduce you to much more recent music.", he said, putting the biscuits he had grabbed and placed on a tray into the now preheated oven.

"We'll have to wait about 12 minutes for these to finish, so let's go decide on a movie. A lot has come out since you-", he made a move with his thumb going across his neck in a beheading motion. Soo-Yun giggled, she was glad he could be lighthearted about it.

Settling down on the couch, Soo-Yun pulled her legs up into a criss-cross position, watching as Taehyung sat next to her, spreading his knees apart slightly and leaned back, one arm on the armrest. He clicked through the apps on his tv, choosing one and turning his head to look at the petite girl next to him.

"What genre?", he asked, slightly startling the girl, who was too busy looking at every small detail on the tv screen, having never seen one in her lifetime.

"Huh? Oh, um... I don't really know what there is. So, how about your favorite movie.", she said, scratching her cheek with one nail, laughing slightly as she looked off to the side to avoid making any more eye contact.

He nodded, typing something into the search bar of the app, clicking on a movie called Midnight in Paris.

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After a while of watching the movie, the ending credits started to play. About halfway through them, he felt a weight land on his arm. Turning to look at the source of the impact, he saw Soo-Yun sleeping. She had fallen asleep when the credits started to roll, she had tried to stay awake the whole time, wanting to watch it all the way through, even if only so he would think she enjoyed it.

She didn't particularly like Woody Allen films, or Woody Allen.

(for legal reasons this is a joke, pls don't sue me)

Taehyung smiled at her peaceful face, it was much better to look at than her solemn expression normally worn around the house. He picked up her sleeping form, careful to not wake her as he carried her upstairs. He stepped into the guest bedroom, placing her down gently and covering her with the comforter on the bed.

He brushed some hair out of her face and placed a quick kiss on her forehead, muttering a quiet goodnight before leaving the room. A small smile grew on Soo-Yun's face,


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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