Euphoria (Jungkook- BTS)

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Standing at the sea shore , hearing the waves clashing on it , I kept looking at the sun which is about to rise

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Standing at the sea shore , hearing the waves clashing on it , I kept looking at the sun which is about to rise. My hair dancing with the fresh early morning wind.My mind kept playing clips that I cherish most . Memories that I'll be be ever grateful for. I look at my surroundings and it starts playing in front of my eyes.
I smiled as one memory clip from 5years earlier started to play as if I wasn't blankly staring at the sea shore but a movie screen.

Flashback ( 5 years ago)

I'm standing there . All alone cause none of my friends were interested in enjoying the sunrise at so early morning. Specially when we arrived at the beach few hours ago. I sat there waiting for the sun to rise & fill the world with it's brightness. But little did I know, beside the real sun , there was another sun that was on it's way to my life to fill it with it's warmth & brightness. As the sun started to declare it's presence , I felt someone's presence beside me. I turned right to see you standing beside me. You're doe eyes shining while staring at the rising sun. I looked away & enjoyed the view. We both silently observed the view as the sun fully rose with it's all glory. Noises apart from the waves of the sea , started to reach our ears. People were coming to the beach. I thought it was my time to get back to the hotel but you stopped me saying,
" Hi. I'm Jungkook. "

" I'm Haeyan. " I replied.

"Wow your name kinda matches with the place. " You said & with that our first conversation started which led you to treat me breakfast.

We met again that day .Then again the next day. Then again. Conversations were made , informations were exchanged including phone numbers. Different plans were made to visit different places as none of us were from here but Busan.Without even knowing, we became friends.

Time flies. Soon my trip ended but yours didn't. We said goodbye with a promise to keep in touch & meet again in Busan & none of us broke it . We kept meeting. With that in a beautiful time skip , our meetings turned in to dates & friendship turned in to relationship.

End of flashback.

I smiled at the memory. Then another clip of 2 years ago started playing in my mind as I stared  at the place right in front of me.

Flashback (2 years ago)

You & me , standing there . Enjoying the sunrise just like the first time. As the sun fully rose , you told me to turn right. I did only to find you kneeling in front of me with an artificial oyster in your hand . You opened it & there was a beautiful ring inside. You held the ring with one hand & extended your other one towards me.

" Please take my hand & be mine. " You said.

I forgot to breath as happiness struck me. My eyes blurry with happy tears as I extended my hands towards yours.

" Even if the earth crumbles ,
No matter who shakes this world ,
Please don't let go of my hand . " You said as you put the ring on my finger.

" I'll never. " I said as I hugged you.

End of flashback.

When our parents heard about this , they were too happy. They threw a party for our engagement & declared our wedding after two years.
I closed my eyes taking in all the memories & events that took place over here. It's not like we didn't go through ups & downs . We did. We faught, we struggled , we failed but never lost trust in each other & never left each other's hands. No matter how big the fight was , no matter how hard the situation was , we would always find each other over here. Sitting on the shore , bare feet , waiting for the sun to rise again.

So many memories are preseved in this place. From the starting of us till now. Maybe that's why when it came to our honeymoon, except for all the famous places, we chose this particular place where we lost each other's heart to each other. This sea & this sun are the witness of our love & trust for each other.

I smiled as a strong pair of arms wrapped around me & I was engulfed in to a soft back hug. I opened my eyes & turned my head right only to find your head on my shoulder. You also looked at me with a soft smile on your lips . You pecked my lips & then we both stared at the sun rising with it's all glory.

" It all feels like a dream. A dream I would never want to wake up from. " I said softly.

You kissed my cheek & said, " Thanks for opening the door & letting me in your dreamland. When I'm with you it feels like I'm in utopia , an utter dreamland. Close that door & never let anyone else in. Let me be the one & only for you. Just like you are the one & only for me. My one & only cause of euphoria. "

I turned around & hugged you tight as you whispered those words in my ears.

" I love you " I said in your embrace.

" I love you too, my euphoria. " You replied kissing my forehead.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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