A familiar face. Or a few of them.

80 0 0

The Boyfriend, one of the best singers in the school arrived!

"So, do we just burn it now" BF asked.. "yeah, of course!" darnell replied

"Wait wait, why is your name Boyfriend?" Nene asked, confused

"my name is benjamin(yes, so what?) , the boyfriend is just what im used to."


"Okay wheres the next pile of cockroaches, i wanna burn them." boyfriend asked, thrilled for some reason
"Oh here, have this one." Nene handed a bag to BF.

23 mins later

"Okay thats all of it!" Darnell announced
"So...lunchtime isnt over and im hungry...wanna eat lunch together?" BF asked
"Sure, im hungry." Pico answered
"I second that" darnell replied
"I..uh..third that?" Nene said

They were in the cafeteria now, eating PBJ, or snax
"What now?" Pico said
"I dunno." BF replied.

And now, something thats a pain to write

(Insert bad bully here)

"Well if it isnt the trio of nerds." (That generic bully) said
"Go away dude" pico replied
"What is this, pb n j? Pff, im eating kfc" (that generic bully) cackled
"Pff, kfc is terrible." Boyfriend replied.
"Wh- no it isnt, music nerd!" (Generic Bully) replied, annoyed.
"As if he cant have an OPINION!" Nene argued.
"Okay guys, just settle down-" Darnell tried to commit calm/srs
"Shut yo black ass." (Generic Bully) said
"im sorry, what?" Darnell stared.
"Oh man." Boyfriend mumbled.

A fight later, and 2 hours later, schools over.

"Whew, see you guys!" Pico waved
The others said their goodbyes, and left to their homes

Pico entered his home,
"Mom's not here..again..how long is that business trip.." pico thought..
He put his backpack on the table, took an epic shower, changed and just laid on his bed..
He stared at his table (with a laptop) and decided to sit there, turn on the Laptop, and went on Veeber(your ordinary talk website)
He looked at the quadruple's groupchat and decided to start up a conversation!

[ Hey, guys ? You guys home yet? ]

"Huh..no reply..they must be busy—"

[ Hey broskiii!! Im zdoinh my dung homework. ] nene replied
[ okay, good luck ! ]

He yawned, turned off his laptop and went STRAIGHT to bed..

He woke up, he checked his clock and it was 4:59 am. He scoffed, changed and went outside. He traveled to the back of the school , yawning and apparently there was a hole. He went down..
"hey piccolo!" A female voice was heard.
"Thats not my name,

Why is pico visiting cassandra?
Why does he have to go so early ?
Find out next time!
(Word count: 439)

Adventures with the Trouble Trio! (Fnfxpicosschool fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now