
181 11 3

Author P. O. V.

As evening time come y/n was feeling little uneasy by Sam's words.
She was feeling little better as jungkook was with her but jimin was totally silent . And that thing didn't go unnoticed by her.
" Let's go to the living sam is calling you" Raj came and she took deep breath and nod.
" I hope it's nothing bad tho " Y/n said and raj nod his head
Raj took her in living and they saw everyone was there.
" Where is he? " Y/n asked when there wasn't any hint of Sam
" I don't know he will be here " Teena said
" Y/n.." She heard Raj calling her name and she looked at the door and saw a familiar figure coming with Sam.
As she saw the person her whole body started to shake. Her eye were wide including her teammates. Her breathing got uneven.
The person stopped in front of her maintaining distance. Looking straight into her eyes holding back his tears.
She was so shocked to even react. No words could form in her brain. As if she saw some ghost. She was about to lose her balance but Raj hold her tightly. Well he was also beyond shocked but right now there was nothing important than y/n for him.
" H-how? " Only words escaped from her mouth as she come to her sense
" Di... " The person said and y/n just ran into his arms.
Holding him tightly. Crying like there was no tomorrow. Making jimin tearing up.
Pulling away she checked him if he is hurt. Preparing his face with most loving kisses. Holding him near her she wasn't ready to let go of him.
" How? " She asked again and the person looked at Sam.
" Y/n...." Sam started to explain and she quietly listened
" We got news that your parents house sets on fire and everything was burned. The fire last long till 4 days and we waited bcz no one can enter in that fire. It was that horrible. As everything calmed down we went to your house and checked if anything could be find. And then my team member found a underground room which was totally fine. So we tried to open it. And after many tries we opened it and found him. Tied up on the chair unconscious. " He stopped and looked at y/n who was beyond shocked.
" We took him to the hospital and doctor told us that he has been tortured. For months. " He said
" W-what" She mumbled
" Yeah and I decided to take him with me. He was with me from past month. When I was sure he was fine I took him to you." He completed.
The room was in complete silence. No one utter a single word. Until she spoke.
" I am sorry " She mumbled holding his hand
" It wasn't your fault" He said in soothing voice
" It was. I am so sorry baby I couldn't protect you " She said sobbing
" Noo di. You always did protect me , always" He said pulling her against his chest
" I love you " She said and this send a knife into jimin's heart.
" I love you too " The person replied.
" Where is he? " She asked pulling away gritting her teeths
"Y/n.....  Your parents died" Sam informed
No words come from her mouth.
She just looked at Sam without blinking.
Finding hard to stand there. Her lengs and her body give up and she passed out.
"Y/N!!!! " Loud screams could be heard in the whole house as everyone rushed to her.
"Call the doctor" Raj shouted and took her and ran into her room.

Soon doctor came and checked her by now she was awake. And he told her some thing about her health that she couldn't ignore.

On the other hand jungkook went to the new face as they still didn't know who he was.
" Hey... My name is jungkook " He said giving cute smile.
" My name is kush. Nice to meet you" He said
" Well I am sorry for everything you faced but I don't get it.. Who are you?  I mean what are you to y/n noona? " Jungkook asked and jimin was listing to the duo carefully.
"Noona? " Kush asked
" Ohh noona means elder sister " Jungkook told him
"Ooohhh then she is my noona too... I am her younger brother " Kush said giving him small smile.
As jimin heard  ge was her brother he was shocked and happy at the same time.
" Oooo that's why noona was so overwhelmed " Jungkook said and Kush nod.
" I missed you bro" They heard Raj
" I missed you too Raj" Kush said ans Raj pulled him into brotherly hug.
" Jimin...  She wants to talk to you" Raj said and jimin looked at him shockingly
" Go fast before she change her mind" Raj said after noticing that jimin wasn't moving.
" Are they a thing? " Kush asked
" Well kind off" Raj said
"I'll tell you the story come with me" Jungkook said dragging the new member
" Aish this boy" Raj said smiling.

On the other hand jimin went in her room and saw her standing near window.
" Y/n..?" He called her softly
" You came? " She said
" What is it you want to say? " He asked walking near her.
He waited for some time and when he couldn't take it anymore he went to her and hugged her.
" Please stop getting hurt y/n..it's killing me looking at you like this. " He sobbed on her shoulder and she hugged him back.
" I am sorry " She mumbled
" Please.. Please.. Y/n..i love you.. Please stop pushing me away.. I can't bare it. It's breaking me " He confessed.
" Just give me a chance y/n...please" He said pulled away and looked at her with pleading eyes.
" Okay. " She said and he looked at her shockingly
" Really? " He asked
" Hmm... I don't want to regret anything." She said and he pulled her into hug.
" I love you " She confessed
" I love you soo muchhh" He said holding her tightly

'I hope I am not doing anything wrong' she thought.

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