Chapter 1

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17 years ago.....

"Hey there, honey bee." Andy greeted you as you came out of the bedroom.

"Good morning, Andy." You said back.

"Same to you" He said and handed you your coffee. "There. It'll freshen you up."

"Thanks." You said, taking a sip of the drink. "Oh and before I forget. I have to visit my mother today. Can you drive me there?"

"Sure. No problem." Andy said. "I'll go take a shower." Andy said as he finished his coffee and put the cup in the sink. "See you back here?"

"See you back here." You said.


"Hey, mama." You said as you sat down next to your mother. Your mother was suffering from blood cancer, last stage. The doctor's had lost all hope of saving her. Even your mother knew that. "How are you doing?"

"I'm good, baby. How are you and Andy?" She asked.

"We're good, mama." You said.

"He didn't come?" Your mother asked.

"No. He's waiting outside. He wants us to have some time to ourselves as he was here when we last visited you." You said.

"He's a very nice man, and a very nice man- to- be." Your mother chuckled along with you. "Can I ask you something, honey?"

"What, mama?"

"I have one last wish." She said.

"Mama..." You said.

"I know, honey. I've excepted my faith." She said. "Can you complete my last wish for me?"

"Anything, mama." You said, tears forming in your eyes.

"I want to see you getting married. I know you want to complete college, but I've already selected a man for you." She said.

"Mama. You know I said I want to find someone myself."

"I know. But al least meet him once. He's a very nice man. Just seven years older than you."

"Mama..... I don't know." You said.

"For me, honey. Please do it for me."

You sighed, "Okay, mama. I'll meet him." You smiled at her. It broke your heart to do this, but you wanted to do this for your mom.

"Okay, honey. Here's his name and number. Call him and tell me I gave you his number." She said.

"Yes, mama. I should go now. Andy's waiting outside." You said and kissed her forehead.

"Tell him I said hi and that I love him." Your mother said.

"Sure, mama. Get some rest. I'll see you next week." You said. "Bye."


You sat in your room looking at the paper your mother gave you.

Ransom Drysdale.

You read his name. You didn't know where your got his contact from. But you decided to call him tomorrow. You put the paper in your drawer and went to the kitchen where Andy was cooking.

"Hey, honey bee. What's wrong?" He asked. Already sensing something.

"Nothing. I'm fine." You said and removed plates for dinner.

"You're not fine. You have been quiet since we came back from the nursing home." Andy said and plated the food.

You sighed, "My mom wants to see me getting married. Said it was her last wish." You said. 'She gave me his number as well."

Complicated ~ Andy BarberWhere stories live. Discover now