idk what to name this

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A yell faded once metal cell doors were closed, siva stood in front of the door until the muffled yells stoped.

Once it was all quite, she let out a sigh of relief, she's been trying to capture this one for the past 2 days, not that she hasn't spend longer on others, but this one in particular was very tricky.

She turned to the hallway she stood in, heading to the main room to check any other mission she forgot to complete, dispite her checking 23 times the last time, it was like opening and closing the fridge multiple times, hoping that some food would spawn out of nowhere, it's pointless, and you know it's not going to happen, but it was all efforts to stay as far from her as possible.

Walking through walls stained with browning blood in spots that she can recognise most of, combined with broken chains and bones on the ground, and the smell of rotten flesh, siva realised how violent she is, or rather, her missions, after all, she's the one that gets the violent and murderous missions, while kara gets all the repairs and peaceful ones.

Well, to be fair, they're kind of boring, just walking through random lands, dancing for a while then, boom!, They're fixed, and then speaking to birds for a while, "she's so cute when does that", Siva thought, "what, no!".

Kara, she's basically Siva's co-worker, like her, she has her missions, where she goes to distroyed places and rebuilts them, she usually isn't busy, and unlike siva, she always finds time to be around her, which wasn't really a problem for siva at first, but lately Siva started to feel weirdly ill around her.

Well ill is not exactly the word, but it's still a weird feeling, like how her heart seems to speed-pound every time she sees her, or maybe how she turns red as tomato whenever she smiles, or how she shakes and stutters every time she gets close, and don't forget about that one time she huged her, siva really felt like she was going to explode.

"Siva, hello, you good?" Kara said waving a hand in front of siva, who has zooned out and apparently stood in the middle of the main room her face a deep pink for 10 minutes, "you need to stop thinking while walking, one day you'll end up lost in a waste land." kara said putting one hand on her hip.

Siva shook her head and blinked, finally going back into reality, "uh, right.." siva said, not facing kara.
"so why are you here?"
"To check my missions?"
"Haven't you done that already?"
"Yes and I'm doing it again."
"You need some rest ,you know."
"Sure, when I'm done."

Kara pressed a button that closed all tapes on the screen, then leaned close to match Siva's height and said, "that was not a request," kara said, "you will come with me and you'll get some rest." Kara demanded, then held her hand and teleported them.


Damn, calm down.

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