Traitor - Olivia Rodrigo

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"Blue guilty eyes and little white lies, yeah
I played dumb but I always knew
That you talk to her, maybe did even worse, I kept quiet so I could keep you"

You and Roger became more distant lately. He now hangs out with his "friend" Dominique Beyrand. You know her but you two aren't close. You always ask Roger where he's going and every time he says he's going to hang out with Dominique. You always knew that there's was something more to it, was he losing feelings for you? Is he now starting to grow feelings for Dominique?
You don't know, but all you did was stay quiet so that Roger wouldn't be mad and leave you. Even if it hurts seeing him with her every time.

"And ain't it funny, how you ran to her,
The second that we called it quits?
And Ain't it funny, how you said you were friends
Now it sure as hell don't look like it"

"I think It's time we break up, Y/N." Roger said in a serious tone not even worrying about how you'll react "Why? Is there someone else? Someone else like-" It took you 5 seconds to continue what you said "Dominique?" "I'm sorry Y/N I just-" You cut him off "Y'know, before I believed that you two were just friends because that's what you said all the time. Guess you'll be running to her now." That's the last thing you've ever said to Roger Taylor before he left. And you were right, he did come running of to Dominique , not caring how you felt, not staying with you when you were crying when he left. It broke you.

"You betrayed me, and I know that you'll never feel sorry
For the way I hurt, yeah you talk to her
When we were together"

Roger didn't cheat on you, but he did betray you. He betrayed your trust and your love. Did he even feel sorry? For how you felt?
You still remembered the times where Roger would ignore you because Dominique was by his side listening to her voice. You were Roger Taylor's girlfriend but he never gave you that attention that he would give Dominique. He used to but now he doesn't, ever since he met her.

"Loved you at your worst, but that didn't matter
It took you two weeks, to go off and date her
Guess you didn't cheat, but you're still a traitor"

Yeah, he didn't cheat but, he betrayed you. You were always by Roger's side 24/7. Comforted him, took care of him when he's sick, supported him. You did everything but why did he still go after Dominique? Was she 2x better than you were? How you wish you were her right now.

"Now you bring her around
Just to shut me down, show her off like she's a new trophy"

Roger used to talk about you to his bandmates a lot, he loved calling you "my girl" or "mine". He brings you everywhere, to Freddie's parties, bars, anywhere fun really. He would even bring you to the recording studio so you can watch him and his bandmates make music. But, It's her he's flaunting about. It's her he's talking about all the time. She is friendly, yeah. She looks sweet and charming but weren't you that too? 

"And I know if you were true,
there's no damn way that you could fall in love with somebody that quickly"

There's really no way. I mean Roger and Dominique instantly hit it off as soon as you and Roger broke up. He's unbelievable you thought, you can't believe he'd do that to you. 2 years of dating wasted. You've dreamt about marrying him, imagined him as a father to your children but It's all too late. All the dreams you had, and you're wondering why you still can't move on.

"Ain't it funny? All the twisted games
All the questions you used to avoid"

"Where are you going?" You asked even though you know where he's going. "Y'know, just. You don't need to know. Bye." It hurts, you're not trying to be selfish but, Your relationship with Roger doesn't feel the same anymore. You always plan something so you and Roger could spend some time together but he makes dumb reasons so he won't go.

"Ain't it funny? Remember I brought her up
And you told me I was paranoid?"

"Roger, can you tell me what's going on?" "Going on with what Y/N" "You're always with Dominique." You said hesitantly "Psh, you're just paranoid Y/N. We're just hanging out" "but not with me." You said almost tearing up. You put on your coat and grab your purse. "Where are you going?" Roger asked with a serious tone in his voice "I don't know, maybe I'll just hang out with Brian"
"Seriously? You're gonna hang out with Brian? My best friend?" You scoffed "You have a problem with it? I'll see you later I guess, bye." You walked out your front door and began walking to Brian's house.

"You betrayed me, and I know that you'll never feel sorry
For the way I hurt
Yeah you talk to her, when we were together"

Even after you and Roger broke up, you still loved him. You missed him. And just while you and Roger were dating, Dominique just came up and took Roger away from you. You were jealous and sad.

"God I wish that you had thought this through
Before I went and fell in love with you!"

Memories came up with the time Roger confessed his love to you. "Y/N wait!" You turn around seeing Roger "Yeah?"
"Can I tell you something before you go home?" "Sure, what is it?" You smiled lightly "Y/N, I-" You waited for him to continue "I like you. I mean I love you Y/N and It's okay if you don't feel the same." A light blush appeared on your cheeks. It took you a while to say something "Please say something.." "I feel the same way too, Rog" and after you said that Roger hurried to kiss you lightly. His soft pink lips against yours was the greatest feeling. You miss when those lips kissed you so passionately before.

"When she's sleeping in the bed we made
Don't you dare forget about the way you betrayed me!"

Guess she's sleeping in the bed we made you thought. You loved the times when you wake up with Roger beside you. Giving you light kisses to your cheeks. And when he calls you pet names "Good morning princess"  you miss those.

"But you're still, you're still a traitor
Yeah you're still a traitor"

You cried thinking about those memories of him and you, then thinking about Roger and Dominique's relationship. He didn't cheat but he betrayed you, and that made your heart break.

"God I wish that you have thought this through
Before I went and fell in love with you.."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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