I got off the plane and just walked down to get my bag. Honestly I was so hyped for no reason.
It is just really exciting experiencing things you've never done before.
When I got my bag I went to the front of the airport to wait for the car man or whatever you call him.
I just had my neck pillow on my neck and I was ready to tap out. I was ready to hit the sheets and say "yeet"
But then I saw a white bald headed old man holding up a sign saying y/n so I just walked towards him and he said.
White man:are you y/n?????
Y/n:no I'm her twin sister
I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes.
Y/n:yes I'm y/n now come on let's go.
He just sighed and said some shit under his breathe.
My mind: Yeah and it look like that old bitch stinks to. Wtf type driver they got me going with cause I swear if he on some pervert shit we fighting.
I got in the car and it was nice so I just rested my neck back and waited for the ride to be over.
White man:we're here.
I looked out the window and it was a really big house like damn. I've been living in the ghetto this entire time compared to this.
I got out the car and made sure to slam the door extra hard.
White people got money so if it leaves a dent I'm sure he can fix it.
I walked up almost a million stairs and damn I was out of breath.
I knocked the door and then when I say I almost screamed when ZENDAYA OPENED THE DOOR!!!!!!
I didn't get to watch tv a lot at home but I do know her from K.C undercover.
Zendaya:hi how can I help you. And if your a fan I suggest you leave cause we have security here.
Y/n:uh no im gonna be the new actor in euphoria.
Zendaya:ohhhh you must be y/n then.
I just nodded as a yes and she guided me to my room and helped me get settled in.
3 hours later:
I just sat on my huge bed and kicked my legs back and forth.
Y/n's mind:holy fuck I have nothing to do.
Then I remember I recently downloaded this ticky tock app or whatever you call it and i had quite a few followers so why not post.
I looked for a popular song and then sat my phone up on a book while setting a three second timer.
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Caption:in a goofy mood 🧚🏾♂️
Likes:81.3k Comments:237. Shares:137.
Its_jazzy:your so pretty.
^WhO_y/n:says you... your literally so pretty 😍😍
Alexademie:I can't wait to meet you. *liked by WhO_y/n*
Hi Everyone short update today. I'm trying to post as much as I can and I'm trying to make the chapters shorter cause this book is sadly coming to an end soon so yeah.