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Izana let you go home because your mom is going back in next two weeks. Your mom messaged you that she will come back home and she will discuss something important matter with you.

You opened the television and the news appeared is all about the dead young man found in the street one week ago and it's choji. In the news said that there is no CCTV in that street so the authorities has zero lead about his death.

You can't help but to feel guilty about what happened to him, tho you wanted to kill him.
Izana is really a dangerous man you've ever met. He became more dangerous than before and it's because of power of money. If he get caught that he's the one who killed choji, for sure he will be bail out of the jail easily because of his connections. And choji's case will be nothing.

While watching the news someone is knocking at your door aggressively.

"Wait" you shouted.

And when you open the door it's kakucho, he looks disappointed and mad at the same time. Kakucho went inside your home and slam the door to closed.

"Did you do that?" -Kakucho

"Do what?"

"Don't act like you don't know y/n." -Kakucho

"What the fuck are you saying" you yelled

"You fucking killed choji" he accused.

"I didn't do that" your tears are about to burst.

"Then who the fuck killed him? I know choji is been messing with you. And you wanted to take revenge on him. I can't believe that you can actually kill someone!" -Kakucho

"I told you I didn't killed him." you cried.

"Tell me who the fuck killed him if it is not you" -Kakucho

"Fuck it kakucho if it's me then I will admit that to you right away. I don't even own a gun. If you don't want to believe me then get fuck out" you cried.

Kakucho is really mad but he thinks that it make sense that you doesn't really own a gun. You can't afford to buy one tho, and you don't know how to use it either.

Kakucho's head bow down and lift his head again and looks at your red faced. He comes closer to you and hugged you so tight.

"I'm sorry"  he apologized for accusing you, you even cried more and kakucho kissed you on your head. Kakucho felt that his gang uniform is wet because of your tears. But it doesn't matter to him.

"I'm really sorry that I accused you for killing him" and kakucho buried his face on your neck. He waited you to stopped crying.

And when he noticed that you stopped crying he immediately get off of himself from hugging you and get a glass of water for you. And you drunk it right away.

"I'm sorry I made you cry" he apologized again. Kakucho cupped your face and put his forehead on your forehead. And you looked at him, his eyes are close.

"Fuck I'm such a jerk I made the girl I like cry" he murmured.

A girl he like? Did I heard him right?

"W-what?" you stuttered.

"I said I made a girl I like cry" he repeated.

"Y-you can't like me" you cried again.

For some reason you can't tell him about izana. Your mind says tell him but your mouth can't say any single word.

"Why not?" kakucho opened his eyes and stared at you.

Prequel: Coquettish Where stories live. Discover now