Chapter 1

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Jungkook looked at the fidgety boy across the table and sighed, it's been two months since he'd last seen the boy, touched him, kissed him and made him cry those sweet moans.

Two months since that unfortunate night.

Two months ago...

Jungkook remembers getting hot and uncomfortable, heat suddenly pooling in his lower abdomen, his cock slowly twitching.

He raised the glass in his hand and looked at it, it looked way too fuzzy to be just whiskey.

He cursed lowly for his carelessness, at that very time, someone came waltzing towards him, he couldn't make out who it was since it was a masquerade party.

He turned his back towards them and called his guard over, he felt that person touch his arm and instantly felt revolted.

"Chairman Jeon, are you feeling alright?" The person asked with fake concern and undisguised greed behind the mask.

Jungkook  didn't reply but instead turned his head to look at the person behind the mask, "Whatever it is you want or you think you're going to achieve, I'm not interested"

The guard stepped over and helped our that situation.

Loosening his bow tie, he went upstairs while the guard followed him from behind, even in his drugged state, Jungkook could feel the greedy eyes boring into his back.

Who could blame them? Chairman Jeon was a rare catch and a diamond card to the bank.

Having his baby would be anyone's gain into the big leagues and the Jeon family's huge wealth.

His family has tried getting him together with other nouveau riche heirs and heiresses only for those blind dates to fumble down into nothing.

The bodyguard the chairman until Jungkook stood by his suite, panting and sweating, " Find something to cool this down and make sure nobody comes to the door" he ordered his guard, who left hurriedly after making sure the chairman was inside his suite, he made sure no one was on that floor before leaving.

A small figure that was already on that floor but on the other, his long hair swayed side to side as he staggered from door to door looking for help.

Someone tried to violate this boy, it's the first time that something like this happend.

It's not the first time that innocent pretty little boys like him are promised jobs in super rich parties, only to be drugged and thrown at rich wealthy old men.

Given money with a tight non-disclosure agreements or simply made them disappear.

No one would help them is they needed help, all rich men an women here had dirty secrets.

Jimin was one of those boys but fortunately he managed to get away with a torn up shirt and his long black hair messed up.

Jungkook heard the commotion outside but just as he was about to open the door and investigate, someone let themselves in and hurriedly closed it with their back against the door panting heavily.

Because the room was dark, Jimin didn't see the man standing by the wall, Jungkook could only see blurred lines so he turned on the lights, Jimin gasped as he saw Jungkook standing there, towering over him.

Jungkook's first thought, albeit slow, was the person who drugged him so he grabbed the person behind his door, slammed his open palm on his mouth before he could scream and pushed them against the wall behind the door.

A pair of frightened glossy eyes met his hazy vigilant ones and he almost faltered but remembered where was and regained his vigilance.

In a low deep voice he said, "I'm gonna let go of you but if you scream" The boy shook his head frantically show that he would not scream.

"Good, I'm going to ask you a few questions and if I see you that you're lying to me....I will break your neck and throw you where they won't be able to find your body after the Sharks are done with you, do you understand me?" Jungkook demanded, to which the boy could only whimper and nod as tears rolled down his eyes wetting Jungkook's hand.

Jungkook immediately took his hand off and tried to compose himself, the drug was taking over his mind and cock.

"Now, who are you and who sent you here?"

The boy took in a shaky breath, "I–I'm P–Park J–Jimin a-and nobody sent m-me here Sir"

It was exactly that Sir that sent all the drug chemicals in Jungkook's bloodstream into a frenzy.

He almost fell on Jimin but used his hands to balance himself on the wall, keeping Jimin trapped against the wall.

A low deep, coarse "Fuck" came from Jungkook, he wondered how could a word he's heard daily turn him on at the moment and from a stranger?

Trying to control his already weak legs, Jimin took a chance and looked up meeting Jungkook's enlarged handsome looking down at him with dark eyes, he let out a tiny gasp and looked down but to Jungkook it sounded more like a tiny moan.

This little vixen was obviously seducing him!

"Nobody sent you here?" Jungkook repeated Jimin answer as a question.

Jimin nodded and said, "I'm sorry for barging in your room, I was only looking for a safe place to hide, I came here because of an ad on the online. It said they were looking for young people to serve and wait on patrons but...but" Jimin seemed to recall what happened and fresh tears came down.

"You were drugged? Right? Jungkook added and Jimin nodded his head with flushed wet cheeks.

Jungkook bent down to Jimin's ear, his warm breath hitting against Jimin's flushed skin, he said in his low deep voice...

"And a pretty little thing like you, fell for that?"

Don't worry this jungkook is a warm gong, Jimin won't suffer from but from other people

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Don't worry this jungkook is a warm gong, Jimin won't suffer from but from other people.

So the next part will on Wednesday

Tell me your thoughts and I've missed so much but as y'all know I lost my phone so yeah.

Life is very hectic, I see authors leaving books for 2 to 3 years and more but now I get it.

It's really tough trying to juggle everything.

Next chapter is the SMUT😌

love y'all so much ❤️


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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