Second meet

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When you waiting your cab some stranger are watching you. Somehow you can feel it. Are they thief or ghost you didnt know. But you really can feel it.

When you look at the back there is noone except some banners and dirt in the garbage.

Despite waiting for a cab at too late hours from waiting your idol back to their home. So you decide to walk to the bus stop. Hoping there some other people still there.

While playing you newest idol song you keep in walk. Fast and more fast. Too scared if it ghost who seeing you.

And unlucky there is no one in bus stop. Its almost 1 a.m when you check the clock. Its usually still some people strollting around there. But now only you and stranger likely ghost who following you around now.

Its kind like horror story. Right. You just creppy around while texting your fellow friends trying to get their attention and someone pick you up.

And still unlucky your friends are busy with their own world, and pretend not read your massage. Since like you already alienated from your friends because you now into kpop.

5 minutes have passed.. 8 minutes.. 10 minutes.. wow its 15 minutes now.. Its strage that no bus stop there. Are the bus already off at this hour? Its really your bad luck than.

"Sorry the bus already off. Why are you still waiting here?" Some stranger but nice voice in your left.
Finally there is someone here "cuz...."
You stopped when you saw the stanger face.

Its not because hes scarry look.. nor hes bad face.. but.. he is some guy in the group called Boyfriend that give you a live love shoot from the stage.
OMG is he who stalking me from the M! Building?

"Cuz someone is following me and a thought it was a ghost" you said in slow yet nervous tone.
"Did you realized who is following you?" He ask while taking one step closer to you.
"Is that you?" You take one step back.
"Right" he is smirking at you.

Some silent while you thinking what are he doing following you araound at this hour.
"what are you doing following me around?" After thinking haed abaout 3 minutes finally you cant get any other good question than this.
"Cuz you are all alone with no cab or bus around here" looks lije he is mean it.
"So are you still going to wait a bus here until 5am or come with me?" He asked you while pointing his car.

You hurry up enter his car on the back seat. For you cars are all the same. This one is black coloured with luxorious model.


Hahahaha please pretend not to know who is he..
Kinnda sort.. sorry girls..

Boyfriend (보이프렌드) StoryWhere stories live. Discover now