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I laid in bed listening to the birds tweeting away as the sun rise higher and higher into the sky, I could hear my mother and her boyfriend talking downstairs so I didn't much wanna go down, I grabbed my phone from the table on charge going to my messages 

'Good morning honey, did you wanna hang out today, maybe go to a movie? Or the shops?'  

I sent it and waited around for her reply it took a lot longer then usual but she did eventually reply

'Morning otis'

'what's up y/n?' I asked noticing how off she was 

'im not feeling great today'

"Ohh noo. What's wrong, you're not sick are you?'

The only thing she sent was a little emoticon of a full moon and it clicked 

'ooh. Right, of you want I can come over? Maybe pick you up some stuff on the way? Some pads? Maybe a chocolate bar?'

'No it's okay otis maybe I'll see you on Monday'

'okay, you rest up honey x'

I felt bad knowing she was in pain so I forced myself out of bed and got dressed grabbing my bag and heading downstairs

"Where are you off to darling?" My mum asks from the table 

"Out to see y/n, and uhhh do you have any of those lavender heat pack things?"

"What for darling?"

"For y/n, it's uhhhhhh… you know"

"You mean she's on her period?"


"It's nothing to be nervous or ashamed about it's a perfectly natural and healthy thing and your a very good boy otis for being so open about it, most women would die to have a partner who cares and would go out of there way to sooth the struggles" she explained as she went looking for them "and honestly given you are sexually active I imagine you hold her monthly bleedings as a large sigh of relief" she explained "here you are darling, she can keep it" 

"Thanks I'll see you later" I said stuffing it in my bag and rushing off to my bike, I quickly got it and headed down to the little shop, I got some nice chocolate, some snacks, some flowers and a little plushie bear putting it all in a bag and heading off to y/n's little house I left my bike by the gate and headed to the door giviyit a tap 

"Ohh hello otis" her mother smiled 

"Hey, is y/n here?" 

"Course. Up in her room"

"Thanks" I smiled as she let me in so I hurried up to y/n's sweet bedroom where she load in her bed hugging her pillow tightly clearly in alot of pain dried tears on her face and pillow, I even saw she had her pad tight in her little panties "awwwwwww, hi honey" I smiled giving her head a kiss 

"Why! Why does this happen to me, why can't it just be a boop. Not pregnant. Thank you goodbye"

"I know, I'm sorry honey, but I got you some prezzies"

"What did you bring otis?"

"I got some chocolate, some painkillers, a heat pack, some lovely flowers, some nice snacks and I got you a little teddy" 

"Your too sweet to me otis" she smiled taking the little bear "I love you" she smiled kissing my cheek and nuzzling with my neck

"I love you too" I smiled kissing her head "you wanna snuggle up and watch doctor who?"


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