Nth much

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So I just wanted to rant. You can say that but anyways many people say that I don't speak and talk to anyone literally every one has a problem with that but it's not really my problem like I try to talk to people but I mostly don't talk to anyone at school. Many people in school asked me why I don't talk to anyone but I just shrugged lôl- I don't really know why but I think it's cuz of many things which I can't really explain. And when I was at my old school (I changed school last year) my classmates usually just came to me to ask about homework so I just stopped completing my homework lôl- And like they were kinda rude. Like how much I even try to be nice they just found me annoying. Sometimes I actually yelled at many classmates in school and literally the whole class went silent so I grew more nervous after that and slowly slowly I just stopped talking to people. Anddd In my house whenever I used to cry infront of anyone, they don't comfort me and don't make me feel better instead they just simply say that I shouldn't cry and they won't even ask why I am crying and they will simply walk away. So that's a reason too that I don't socialize irl much. Like my mom and dad say that I should be confident and talk to people without being nervous and after that they will also bring my self confidence down and make me more nervous about people around me. Tho I have many friends here like I can socialize at online platforms cuz you guys are not infront of me talking about stuff. You are far away from me so it kinda makes me at ease and I talk easily here. Not that only but the things I say here I won't say those to anyone irl. Thnx for reading all that and for being my friend (:

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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