Pt. 2 Meeting?

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Someone bumped into Luhan and the food went on his clothes.

It was Sehun after all , the gangster- badboy couldn't care less guy in his school. He intended to bump him with no reason so the angry Luhan punched him in the face and the two got into the fight.

"FIGHT, FIGHT, fight punch him hard!" the bystanders shouted.

The prestigious school's Guidance counselor saw the fight and stopped them "What is going on here?!". "Uhm we're just playing ms." Luhan explained "yeah right" Sehun added.

"No excuse come to my office NOW" the guidance counselor shouted. "You got us into trouble" Sehun said blaming Luhan.

"Explain to me what happened earlier" the GC said. "Ms he bumped me without reason leading the food to get on my uniform" Luhan said. Pretending he is the good one here "What? You're the one who is not looking in the way" Sehun said.

"Are you seriously blaming me?"

"Well you're the one who started punching me into the face"

"It's just because I-I lose my temper"

The guidance counselor knew that Luhan didn't the one who start the fight but on the otherside he is wrong too to punch Sehun just like that. "Why can you not stay away from fights?! I mean your Mother is kind and sweet to you."

"Yeah right" Sehun said sarcastically.

"As punishment the two of you will be cleaning the floors of the school cafeteria for 15 days"

"What? I need to attend our basketball practice everyday" Luhan said. "Well your basketball practice will need to wait" the GC said showing a poker face. Sehun didn't react because he is used to having punishment like this.

"The next time I show you Sehun in a trouble again the punishment will not be cleaning anymore"

"You may leave now"

Luhan didn't know what to do he kept thinking what will his Dad react if he didn't show up in the basketball training. After all his Dad want him to be expert at basketball.

"Uhm Luhan can I speak to you for a moment?" "Oh okay Ms. what is it" Luhan asked

"Well Sehun is your classmate right can you do me a favor?"

"U-hmm yes? why?" he hesitantly said because he knows what will happen next.

"As a Guidance Counselor, I know that Sehun might be little rude but I'm concern about his manners and studies. Can you help him with his studies and show him that being rude to others is wrong"

"Wh-hat? I mean he's like the guy who don't care about the world and his surroundings" He said

"Please? I know you can help him"

"Oh okay but when I see that there's no hope in him changing I will give up" Luhan added

"Aigoo thank you very much I know that you're good Luhan" the GC said

Luhan didn't expect to say okay to help the guy who smack him in the face. "What I am doing to my lifeee" he said while lying to his bed. Then he called Sehun to tell what the GC told him.

"What why did you agree? I don't need to study!" Sehun hissed.

"Well as I like not to help you too but I can't say no to her"

"Ughh !!" Sehun ended the phone"

"That guy has the nerve to be angry, I mean he's the one who will be getting a change in his life" Luhan frustrately said.


Why did he agreed to what the GC said? Sehun said to himself

*sigh* Wait there's a text from him, wait how the hell did he get my phone number? "I got it from Ms." he read Luhan's text.

"I dont want to study" he typed it and touch Send in his cellphone.

-The next day-

Luhan was wondering the school's hall when he suddenly saw Sehun smoking a ciggarette which is strictly forbidden in the school.

"It's so boring" Sehun sighed
He lighted a cigarette and breathe in the dangerous gas into his lungs.

"Oh wait I can take a picture of him smoking so that I can use it as a blackmail" Luhan thought to himself.

He's done taking a picture when Sehun slightly notice him.

"Hey who's there?"

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