Chapter 1

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I forgot to mention the semblance so here.

Semblance: Complete focus.
Effect: When activated increase the users focus and speed it helps y/n during emergency situations.

*No One's POV*

In vale there is a clinic which specializes in Faunus biology. The owner and the doctor of the clinic is y/n who treats all kind of Faunus illness as well as human illness with his assistant Saphee who herself is a snake Faunus.

*Y/n's POV*

Y/n: Hmmm.

Currently I'm treating a deer Faunus who has lost her horn.

Y/n: Well there's nothing to worry about your horn will start to grow back I a couple of weeks. But be careful damaging your may cause damage to the skull.

Deer Faunus: Hm I'll keep that in mind.

Y/n noded and got up and led the Faunus out of the clinic.

Deer: Thanks again doc.

Y/n: Just doing my job.

Y/n made his way back and sat in his chair.

Y/n: Hmmm I have a felling that I well se her again soon.

Y/n dismissed the thought and started to write something on the papers that were on his table. Y/n was busy in his work when two arms wrapped around his chest and a weight rested on his head.

???: Sooo how is the day going so far.

Y/n smiled at the sweet voice of Saphee his assistant and lover. He grabed her hand gently and caressed it.

Y/n: Its peaceful so I'm enjoying it there's no big emergency to deal with. But this paper work is annoying.

Saphee: *gigle* well how about we take a break.

Y/n: Yeah that's a good idea.

Y/n got up and was ready to head of when the door to the clinic slammed open.

???: Excuse me Help please we need a doctor!!!.

It was a female voice y/n quickly ran towards the voice and saw a girl who looked like she was 16 with black hair and red tips. She was holding a girl with yellow hair who looked a bit older than her the yellow haired girl was bloody and bruised up.

Y/n: Oh my oum. Saphee get her to the operation theatre.

Saphee noded and carried the yellow hair girl towards the theatre.

???: she g..going to be ok.

The other girl asked y/n.

Y/n: Don't worry she will be alright.

Y/n said after he walked of to the theatre.

Y/n: So hows the condition Saphee.

Saphee: She has multiple cuts in different places and it seems like shrapnel pierced her arm and some got stuck in her arm.

Y/n: Hmm ok Saphee leave the room and make sure no one tries to enter I will take care of her.

Saphee: Ok if you need me I'll be outside.

Saphee made her way out where the black haired girl was pacing around the hallway she saw Saphee and ran towards her.

???: is she.

Saphee: There no need to worry the doctor will be taking care of her injuries.

The girl sighed and sat down on a nearby chair.

In the theatre y/n was standing next to the bed on which the girl layed y/n was preparing to clean the wounds take out the shrapnel and stitch up the wounds.

Y/n: Ok deep breaths.

Y/n told himself he closed his eyes and activated his semblance know y/n could focus properly he started to treat the wounds he removed the shrapnel in her arm after that stitched them close.

Y/n: That should do it.

Y/n stepped out of the theatre. The girl with black hair ran towards him.

???: So how is she is she going to be ok it's nothing serious right.

The girl asked y/n he just smiled.

Y/n: There's nothing serious her wounds have treated. She is still unconscious though.

???: *sigh* Thank you doctor. Hey I didn't even introduced my self. Ahm my names is ruby rose it's nice to meet you. And the one you helped is yang my sister half sister actually.

Y/n: Its nice to meet you as well.

While the two were chatting Saphee started to get jealous she wrapped her tail around y/n torso finally getting his attention.

Y/n: Um is something wrong Saphee.

Saphee pouted and folded her arms.

Saphee: Hmph nothing's wrong except the fact you completely forgot that I was here as well.

She said while increasing the force hold around y/n torso.

Y/n: W...wait Saphee you got it wrong.

Saphee: Did I you didn't even introduced me to her.

Y/n: Haaa ok ok I apologise. Ruby meet Saphee she is my assistant....

Saphee: Ahm.

Saphee raised her hand showing a silver ring.

Y/n: And my future wife.

Saphee grew a satisfied smile while ruby frowned.

Ruby: O....oh it's nice to meet you I'm ruby.

Saphee: Nice to meet you as well.

Y/n: Saphee cam you let me go now.

Saphee: Hmm if you give me a kiss.

Ruby's eyes widen hearing this.

Y/n: Saphee come on.

Saphee: If you dont I wont let you go.

Y/n: Alright fine.

Saphee span around and faced y/n she leaned in for a kiss when the doors to the clinic once again wer slammed open.

???: Ruby were here.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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