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Everyday is the same. I get up at about 6am, due to the annoying bin men and their loud truck. I get dressed for school. I say goodbye to my dog, Lulu. I then leave my apartment that is practically falling apart. I live alone, I know I shouldn't be, I'm 12 years old, I know it's wrong, but, it's something I've gotten used to. I cycle to the meisters tower, a tower filled with pros in all different sciences, and also the place I'm forced to work at as someone who just watches stars for a living, fun. The only reason I'm here is because I may or may not have killed my father. In defence. And now his friend is forcing me to be his little play toy and also work in this STUPID STUPID place just so I won't go to jail when I'm older. If I make it that is. Everyone hates me and I hate them. Well- maybe there's one person who I don't FULLY hate. BUT he's still VERY annoying. He's like that annoying older brother who sometimes you wish would disappear but you don't exactly hate him. So, I complain to him a bit about how I hate my job (no one knows why I'm actually here, I just say it's for cash), I then work a bit, boring as usual. I then yell at him to watch my office while I head to school. I then leave for school. I stay at hell-school for a bit, before deciding I've had enough and I then fake sick and go back to the tower and work till about 1am, which I then go home. I know it's not healthy to stay up until then, but I don't care. I never really have dinner when I get home. Though I've been told I need to eat more by my co workers. I think they should mind their own business and not give a shit, like what I do. After sorting out food and water for lulu, I do my homework and then collapse on my bed, only for the stupid cycle to repeat, over and over, like a slow suicide I guess.

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