High School Hijinks: Senior Year, Final Year(Female Reader)

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Ga-yeong's POV

August 21st, 2037

Dear Diary,

I've never thought I'd make it this far in life...in fact I thought my life would've ended at 2 years old. But here we are; First day of Senior Year! Right now I'm looking around at the people I've known all my life and I think to myself, "I can't believe it! We're gonna be in college soon!" Well, it's both a good thing and a bad thing because...what if I never see them again anytime soon? Especially Jason, who my heart really beats wild for. Will it be bad that I tell him my love right now or until the last minute when we graduate? This is confusing.


Gi-hun stood outside with tears in his eyes waving Ga-yeong goodbye as she got on the bus.

"My baby's a high school senior." Gi-hun cried. "It's too soon!"

"Oh geez, leaving home is gonna be harder than I thought." Ga-yeong thought to herself as she sat down.

"Wassup girl!" Joi greeted.

"Hey Joi!" Ga-yeong greeted back as she hugged Joi tight.

"Can you believe that we're seniors now?" Joi asked. "I honestly can't believe that me and Tristesse are seniors at age 15."

"I mean ya'll birthday is literally a few days after V day." Michael pointed out as he popped his head from behind.

"Hey cousin! How's my aunties?" Ga-yeong asked.

"My eomma is happy that this is my final year of high school and my mama is being teary eyed at the fact that I'll be going away soon." Michael explained.

"My dad was the same as well." Ga-yeong chuckled.

"Hey you do realize that we got our last homecoming in a few months right?" Joi asked.

"Oh yeah, hey Joi are you planning on running for homecoming?" Ga-yeong asked.

"Hell yes!" Joi exclaimed.

"Too bad you're gonna lose to moi!" They all heard that familiar voice say. They all turned to see Zira sitting right across from them.

"Oh hell, why are you talking to us?" Michael grumbled out.

"Zira, if you're gonna be on some bullshit, leave us alone." Ga-yeong said.

"Or what?" Zira asked. Ga-yeong huffed as she turned away from Zira. 

"I thought so, scary ass." Zira taunted. Zira felt a hand on her shoulder then looked up to see Jason staring at her which frightened Zira to move to the back of the bus. Jason sat down.

"Hey everyone." Jason signed.

"Jason!" Everyone said in sync.

"You guys ready for senior year?" Jason signed.

"Yeah and my mom said that it'll be hard at first but things will get easy." Ga-yeong said.

"But guys think about it; Getting ready for college...prom...man it felt like yesterday when we were at that daycare." Joi sighed.

"Yeah, daycare." Ga-yeong sighed as Il-nam popped into her head. "May you rest peacefully teacher." Ga-yeong thought to herself. When the bus stopped at the school, everyone rushed out into the school house.

"This is going to be awesome!" Michael yelled. "I wonder what classes I got this year."

"I hope I got Home Ec because I've been wanting to learn how to bake ever since Freshman year." Tristesse said.

"I just honestly wish I had the more normal like classes than these Special Ed classes." Jason signed. "The principal never let me pick out any classes that aren't for the special kids."

"But you're well behaved and you worked well when we were studying for our final exams junior year." Ga-yeong pointed out.

"Well she believes that it was on luck and because I was with you guys that you all helped me with everything without letting me even work." Jason signed.

"What? No we didn't." Michael claimed.

"This principal's been busting everyone's chops ever since we got here." Joi said.

"I never had my encounter with the principal before, what's she like?" TK asked.

"A major bitch!" Joi exclaimed. "We still trying to figure out how she even got her job as a principal and why she's not fired yet."

"I still haven't forgotten the issue with...Lindsay." Tristesse said as her voice cracked.

"Who's Lindsay?" TK asked.

"An angel that had fallen too soon." Tristesse sniffled. Ga-yeong took out the friendship bracelet that belonged to Lindsay and sighed.

"I wonder what her life would've been like if she didn't take it away herself." Ga-yeong thought to herself.

"Ga-yeong?" Ga-yeong heard a male voice say. She turned around to see Loki.

"Dammit, first Zira and now you." Ga-yeong groaned out. "God has a sense of humor."

"You're still not over that whole relationship?" Loki asked. "C'mon that was junior high!" Ga-yeong and her friends just continued to walk off. Loki jumped in front of them, stopping them in their tracks.

"Ga-yeong please, what do I have to do to be your boyfriend again?" Loki asked.

"Look, I don't want you to be my boyfriend again, I don't want you to be in my life again, I don't even want to become horny from you again." Ga-yeong said sternly.

"Ohhh snap." Michael and Joi whispered in sync.

"Who's this dude here?" TK asked.

"We were hoping you wouldn't run into this one." Jason signed. "This guy's almost like a male counterpart of Zira."

"Should I step in or..." 

"Nah, she got this." Michael assured. "I know my cousin."

"B-but Ga-yeong, I'm a changed man." Loki stated.

"I don't care if you're a changed woman either!" Ga-yeong yelled. "This isn't just what you've put me through back in 7th grade but the fact that you've did the exact same shit to Lindsay and thanks to you and Zira, she's fucking dead!" Tears began to fall down Ga-yeong's face.

"Look, I know you're upset but I had nothing to do with Lindsay's suicide." Loki defended. Ga-yeong's blood began to boil after hearing that.

"Oh really? Then who was the one who knocked her up? Who was the one who rejected the baby after revealed to be the father of it? Who was the one even had the audacity to fuck her with his sorry excuse of a dick!?" Ga-yeong yelled. TK covered her mouth trying her hardest not to laugh. 

"It's not small!" Loki yelled back.

"Tell that to the pictures you sent to a few girls before." Ga-yeong retorted. "Look, if you're here for forgiveness...I can't do that and even if Lindsay would've wanted me to forgive you...I can't even find it within my heart to do so." Ga-yeong sighed.

"Ga-yeong let's just go to the auditorium for the assembly." Joi said as they all walked off, leaving Loki standing there dumbfounded.

"The nerve of that asshole!" Ga-yeong exclaimed. Jason pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back.

"Don't worry Ga-yeong, he's not worth our energy." Tristesse insisted.

"Yeah, let's not forget that this is gonna be our best senior year ever." Joi said. Ga-yeong smiled as she nodded her head.

"Yeah, this will be our best senior year ever." Ga-yeong thought to herself.

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