The Dream Boy

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It was mid December and I finally got away from all the people that had nothing better to do then bug me.I went to my locker and as my best friend Hope walked up to me I seen him. Black hair and blue eyes he was amazing to look at. I was lost in my thoughts I didn't even know I was looking at him until my best friend walked up and waved her hand in my face.
"What are you looking at"she said trying to find what I was looking at.
"Oh, hey Hope I didn't see you walk up".
"Yeah... I can tell what are you looking at". "Oh I see you are looking at that new guy you know that there is something going around that he likes girls like you".
"What dose that mean!?" I say in a hurt voice."I have to get to class". I say and walk away. As I am walking to class thanking about what Hope said "girls like you". What dose that mean. I mean ya I'm not that pretty but, damn that hurt.

As I walk into class guess who I see the new guy. Walking to my seat and feel like someone is starring at me. I try to let it go but it is starting to get annoying. I turn around and almost get ran over. As I was about to turn around to give who ever was that pushed me down a piece of my mind it was Josh.
"I'm so sorry"he says "Let me help you up". I smile a bit then sit down in my seat.
"So I guess your one of those girls who think that they can't say thank you ,huh?"
I just look at him and give him a "what the fuck" look. I didn't think that I did anything wrong he was the one who ran me over not the other way around. What am I suppose to do? Say thank you for making me fall on my ass. As I look up at him he is just standing there.
"I... I'm sorry but why are you just standing in front of me and starring at me like that?" I say scared out of my mind because he looked pissed and I had fear written all over my face.
"What the hell did you say to her?" I hear from someone be hide Josh. But then I now who it is. It is Matt. Matt has always stood up for me. Even when other guys on the football team were picking on me. It almost got him kicked off the football team. He said he didn't care he was only on the team because of his dad. He always called me his little sissy.
"I.... I didn't do anything to her I.. just came over to say hi I seen she sitting by herself I asked if I could sit next to her". He lies
"Is that true sissy" he ask and I nod "Well ok, but if she comes and tells me that you were bugging her you better leave town and change your name." He says
Josh looks at me and gives me a go to hell look and give it back with a fake smile. As he walks away I start to get my book out of my bag. When I hear some one say "Hi". I look up and see the new guy. I smile weakly back at him and give a nod.
"Can I sit here?" He says his voice is so soft and sweet. I shake my head trying to get those thoughts out of my head and look back up.
"Ya, no one sits back here other then me".I say with a weak smile.
"Now way would anyone not want to talk or sit next to a pretty girl like you?"

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