Part 1

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Walking down the street, people passing me by. I look around at the night sky and all the people rushing around to get to their destinations. I'm quiet as I walk with no destination of my own and admire the men that can wear ties without chocking and the women who can walk around in ridiculous heels with a beauty and grace I seem to lack.

I really shouldn't be out in the city at this time of night but sneaking out is my forte and I just couldn't resist temptation. My parents won't know I'm out even when dawn breaks. They leave for work at 6:30am and I'm on school holidays so they will just assume I'm in bed asleep and leave.

"Watch it slut!" someone yelled as they walked into me, refusing to rise to it I just continued walking pretending like nothing happened. I seriously can't get over people these days, throwing insults around like they are nothing. I mean seriously, I'm wearing dark blue skinny jeans, a black t-shirt, a light grey/blue jumper and dirty white high-top converse. I don't look like a 'slut' and I'm still a virgin so I don't know why some random guy feels it necessary to make an assumption that can't even be based on my looks.

Looking down at my watch I make out the time 12:35am in the dim street light. I've only been out for about an hour but it feels like it's been forever. I still have to catch the train and bus to get home so I decide to leave the city and go to a park closer to home. I turn to make my way towards the train station and as I begin to make a move I can see a group of teenagers about my age walking my way. I can't make out any of their faces because the streets lights around me are too dim but I sense I know them. I have no choice but to keep walking because that's the way to the train station but I am on high alert and ready to leg it if needed.

"Well if it isn't the little freak we go to school with" a male broke through the group to point me out. Recognizing him as Conner Day I inwardly cringe. This guy and his group have been trying to make my life hell since day one of school. "Conner." I nod curtly towards him and his group and try to make a break for it, as usual it comes to no avail. "Where do you think you're going little girl?" some girl questions me. In our year I'm a one of the shortest but I am also one of the oldest and it really irks me when people call me 'little girl' when it's not true. Choosing to ignore her statement I turn and face Conner. "We've known each other for a while now Conner and you've been trying to make my life hell for a while now, so I ask nicely can I please leave peacefully just this once?" Looking me up and down he laughs, "I guess so" he manages through giggles.

Taking my cue I begin to walk, I just walked past the bitch that called me a 'little girl' when I was suddenly hugging the pavement. "He may let you walk, but I don't. Don't bother getting up until I'm gone otherwise you'll be back on your ass." With a snicker she struts away from me. Picking myself up off of the ground I dust myself off and continue to the train station.

After my 20 minute train ride I decide to make the 20 minute walk to my house instead of the eight minute bus ride. When I'm almost home I check my watch under the nearest street light, 1:25am it reads. Deciding I'm not ready to go home just yet I stop in the park and sit at the bench. Sitting there I stare up at the stars and find myself wondering what is really out there in space, alternate universes? Aliens? Another Earth? The possibilities are endless of what could be out there, but I can't help but think of the people who think we're the only ones. How could that be though? We are one planet, in one galaxy, in one universe and there are billions upon billions more planets, galaxies and universes out there waiting to be discovered.

4:45am I start make the five minute walk from the park to my house. A shadow passes in my vision as I pass the entrance of the park. I turn around quickly to see if I can figure out what it was but when I do I can't see anything, the park is empty like it was the whole time I was there. Shaking my head I turn back to the entrance when I see it again, but I turned quicker this time. I make the shadow out as a person but it was moving really fast so what my eyes see and what my brains thinks are two different things. Realizing that I've probably made up this entire thing because I'm rather tired now I just continue on my way.

As I take a step forward I trip but I never hit the ground. Someone is holding onto me tightly to prevent my fall. Confused I look up at the stranger that has saved my jeans from holes in the knees. In the dark light that is still surrounding us because the sun has not yet risen, I can make out that my saviour is around my age and male. He doesn't go to my school I'd recognize him. "Be careful" he says to me as I continue to stare. Just as quickly as he caught me he lets me go, turns and walks away. I go to call out to him to get his name but as I do I end up yawning instead so I just shrugged my shoulders and made my way home.

As I lay down in my bed I start thinking of the stranger that had caught me at the park. After yawning a few more times and not getting anywhere with figuring out who he was I closed my eyes. He made his way into my dreams that night. Doesn't say anything just stares at me with dark, foreboding eyes. To say my sleep feels rather disturbed is an understatement.

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