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"I can't last another day in that fucking forsaken job," Taehyung fumed, "I have to quit," he finished, slumping his body onto the soft baby blue coloured sofa. Quickly he was dragging his slim, cold hands down his face in frustration.

His lovely roommate, Jungkook, half sighed from the other room, stepping up onto his tippy toes (just slightly, okay, shut up) to see on the top shelf of the fridge.

"You say that everyday Taehyung," he yelled back, "are you sure you actually have the balls to quit?"

"I have the balls!" He defended surprisingly quick, which caught Jungkook a bit off guard as he planted his feet back fully onto the ground, "like, huge balls. Massive balls."

"I'll believe it when I see it," the younger boy teased making his way over to where Taehyung was lain on the sofa, popping his head over, "anyway, wanna go out for food? We have nothing."

Taehyung playfully rolled his eyes as he pushed his body up from the cushions, holding his body weight on his deckled wrists.

"I suppose," he stood to his feet before his face suddenly lit up, "wanna get chicken? There's that new place that opened up down town."

Jungkook hummed along, "sounds good, let's go now I'm starving," he stated quickly swiftly grasping a hold of the set of keys that were on the counter, the sound of metal jingling between his fingers, "I'll drive."

Taehyung wasted no time quickly trialing behind the boy, sliding his runners on in a manner that the heel of the shoes folded inward under the heels of his feet. but he didn't care.

The two young boys owned and shared a dark red mini-van, as they just shovelled up enough money to pay for half the price each and they weren't not running into any problems with sharing it.

Jungkook parked the van on the side of the road, where immediately a 'no parking' sign very, very visibly caught Taehyungs eyes.

"Gguk-ah, I don't think we should park here," he muttered out, using his left hand to point at the painfully obvious sign.

Jungkook smiled and just shrugged, "we will only be in for like— what? Five minutes?" He started, "it's no biggy."

Taehyung hesitated before opening up the passenger door anyway, and followed Jungkook out.

The big brand new sign lit up, flashing the word 'Turbo'sChicken' with a hugely lit up flame across it, catching everyone's eyes as they passed by.

Taehyung excitedly skipped into the building, clapping his hands together a little as Jungkook held open the door for him.

"It looks so cool in here," Taehyung quickly mentioned at the red themed building, some abstract paintings plastered across the walls, and the place having an appealing, very delicious smell.

The lady behind the counter quickly called them up, and the two boys immediately made their way over.

"What can I get you two boys today?" She asked, smiling brightly.

Taehyungs eyes scanned the menu where there was a brightly lit sign above the woman's head.

"Could I have... the double chicken combo meal, with Pepsi?" The older boy asked, shoving his arms across his chest, "and extra sauce."

"Absolutely," the girl smiled brightly, "and you?" She turned to Jungkook as she quickly tapped Taehyungs order into the machine.

"I'll have the same please," he let out, and the lady nodded.

COMPANION(S) |  Taekook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now