Chapter One

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Usually, the road puts you in a good mood.

Beautiful landscapes and the movement of the car helped you think, but after escaping from a bunker underground, getting involved in a shootout that almost cost you your life, having to flee for four whole days, and still driving your way back, you were far from happy.

You just wanted to get to the compound soon, take a long shower and eat some warm food. Maybe answer a few questions from whoever was curious about the mission, and then fall asleep in a real bed for the first time that week.

You did this. You were wearing a comfy sweatshirt and finishing some good soup, figuring you could watch some sitcom before bed when a certain android suddenly came through the kitchen wall and almost made you knock over your plate with fright.

"Jesus, Vis, don't do that." You complained, receiving an apologetic look from the robot to which you just nodded saying it was okay.

"Forgive me for the intrusion, Miss L/N." He asked as you went back to eating. "It's good to have you back in the compound."

"Thanks." You muttered.

Vision shifted the weight of his feet half-heartedly and you raised an eyebrow at him. "Is there something you want to say to me?"

He gave a short laugh. "Actually, there is." He said, clearing his throat. "There' s a situation that I need assistance with. And well, naturally I sought out Mr. Stark at first, but he had a comical response and told me he had no way to help with it. Captain Rogers seemed uncomfortable with the subject, and I thought it best not to insist. Miss Romanoff told me to talk to you."

You swallowed before you spoke, your confused gaze on the anxious robot in front of you. "And why did she tell you that?"

"Miss Romanoff said that you participated in an infiltration mission two years ago where you retained specific knowledge of the subject." Vision retorted and you put your spoon down in the soup pot.

"You'll need to be more specific mate."

Clearing his throat again, Vis straightened his posture before continuing:

"First of all, you may not be aware of the new nature of my relationship with Miss Maximoff. In the weeks you have been away, we have officiated our romantic relationship and-"

You cut off Vis' speech with an incredulous laugh, thinking he was joking. The robot made a confused expression.

"A-are you serious?"

"Yes, Miss." He returned and you laughed again, shorter and drier. Locking your jaw, but leaving as neutral a face as you could you asked him to continue. "As I was saying, Miss Maximoff and I are in an affective romantic relationship. I have been, how can I put it, studying Wanda's reactions. She seems willing to reach a new level of physical intimacy, but as a synthesized, I don't have the same needs."

You wanted to dig a hole in the ground. You just mumbled that you were listening, and Vision kept talking.

"I have contacted the other Avengers about this occurrence, and in talking with Miss Romanoff, she mentioned that a few years ago you were working on a mission where your primary cover was as a sex educator, and that you would have the necessary knowledge to assist me." He continued. "Actually, it will be a double help. It has come to my attention that Miss Maximoff has never been in an intimate relationship, and I wouldn't want to do anything wrong."

You were going to kill Natasha. Honestly.

With a sigh, you stood up. You had lost your hunger completely.

"Vis, I..." You took a deep breath to keep from cursing at him. "I've had really tough weeks. Let's leave that conversation for tomorrow, okay?"

He hesitated, but then nodded and you forced a smile before you left the kitchen making your way back to your room in record time.

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