"--Lil. Psst! Lil!"
I reluctantly open my eyes, wiping at the corners of my eyes, a bleary expression upon normally emotionless features. I sit my head up as I look up to see our History teacher, an Erudite, staring intently in our direction.
"Miss Parrish. I'm sure your father would be less than pleased to know his daughter is sleeping through her Faction History class, and of her own faction, no less. Do I need to have a word with him?"
"No sir," I reply, slumping again in my chair. He nods, seemingly pleased, then turning back to the board to continue his lecture.
I grumble under my breath, "I already know this. Get the wad out of your ass."
Apparently, my classmates heard my comment and begin to snicker, especially the Dauntless. The Stiffs look careless, and the Erudite look clearly displeased.
A proud smirk appears on my lips. But it falls just as fast when an Erudite girl, Kimberly, calls the teacher to her side.
Five seconds after, our teacher narrows his eyes at me, before going, "Miss Parrish, see me after class."
I narrow my eyes at Kimberly, huffing lowly.
Little Snitch.
My best friend, Layne, nods to me after I tell him to go ahead, considering I had to stay behind.
My teacher, Mr. Adams, just shakes his head in displeasure, and I just sit in a spare chair, my boots and feet just itching to put them on his desk, just to irk him.
"I honestly don't know what to say, Miss Parrish. You're an A student, but you misbehave and sleep around in class." He starts.
"Then you've said enough. Can I go now?" I snap.
"I wasn't finished."
"And I don't care." I reply, arms folded.
"Honestly, I'd expect more from the daughter of a faction leader, especially Max."
There he goes again, mentioning my dearest father. I roll my eyes, clearly not caring. I cared about my father, but Mr. Adams' words... not so much.
"You expect too much from a Dauntless, then." I reply, feeling awfully cheeky. "Lucky for you, this is our last class together."
I stand to my feet and leave him there, standing in awe as I walk out the door.
I turn to look over my shoulder, a coy smirk on my features. "Have a nice life, Mr. Adams. And oh!" I pause, letting the words settle on my tongue.
"Go fuck yourself."
I laugh as I leave the building, so much so it makes my stomach ache. I sigh for air, before I walk down the sidewalk, not having the patience to wait for a train.
I work myself into a jog, my aptitude result lingering in the depths of my subconscious. It was exactly what I wanted, and where I knew I had belonged. Home.
I was elated, and I knew my father would be too.
I had been so worried about getting anything other than Dauntless, that I had been nearly stressing myself out for the past few days. My lack of worry now was completely nonexistent.
And tomorrow would make it official.
I walked down the stairs of the back Dauntless entrance, and to my father and I's apartment, unlocking the door. It gave a click as it unlocked, and a soft creak as it opened.
I walk inside, shutting the door behind me and listening as my boots creak on the floor.
My dad isn't home, I know that much. He didn't come home until later.
There was a lack of homework, as I sat on the couch, and after five minutes, I stand back to my feet. I walk out of the apartment just as fast as I had come inside, and when I turn around after locking it, my nose slams into a body.
"Shit!" I gasp, pulling back and rubbing my nose. I glance up to see who my face made contact with.
I stare at grey, charcoal like, eyes as brownish-blonde lashes blink for a moment at me, before they rest at a halt. Brown brows furrow, the man's features curling into a look of pure displeasure.
His jaw is clinched as if to prevent from reacting in haste.
His features remind me of marble: strong, defined, definite, rare, and exceptionally beautiful.
"Who are you?" He questions, his tone heavy and deep and reeking of all things masculine.
"Lian." I tell him firmly, my features forming a stern expression.
I knew who he was instantly, my hands curling into fists at my side.
"You got a last name?"
"Parrish. Lian Parrish." I reply.
His expression flickers slightly, before he presses his lips together.
"Oh. You're Max's daughter."
"Yeah, that's me." I snort lightly.
"All I have to say is to watch yourself. I'm sure Max taught you how to talk to a leader."
I huff, rolling my eyes. "He taught me," I say. "But you weren't one of them he told me to respect, Eric."
I walk off towards the Pit, arms folding over my chest. I am nearly down the stairs, leaving Eric behind, but his voice can still reach me.
As if he seems to know the future, he says something that not only haunts me, but sends shivers down my spine.
"Watch yourself if you plan on making it here, Initiate. I hold the power here and everywhere else in this compound, no matter who your parent is."
Something even more stubborn raises in me causing me to reply in sheer fury when another person would have heeded the warning. His warning.
No one disrespected Eric and didn't end up paying the consequences for it. But it was a risk I apparently was willingly to take, despite my conscious screaming for me not to do it.
My nose turned up like I smelt rotten eggs or something like that, pressing my hands to my hips. I turn around to face him, my emotions hidden, even in my eyes.
"Oh, bite me."
AN: So, this takes place a year after Eric & Four's initiation, and therefore, Lillan, is a year younger than them.
Because I'm trying something new, feeling officially inspired by Insurgent, this bad boy has been hovering in my head.
So, I'll be definitely taking OCs from you guys.
Here's what you need to leave in the comments, please.
Your OC can be either already a member of their faction or an Initiate.
Faction of Origin:
Faction of Choice:
Aptitude Result:
Personality Traits (Postives and Negatives):
Job (If applicable):
Initiation Ranking (If applicable):
Face claim (Actor or Actress):
Scars (If applicable):
Anything else:
Thanks, you guys! Until next time, Initiates!

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FanfictionShe has always held the world in her hands. Especially when it comes to Dauntless and everything and everyone in it. She's entitled to it, or so she believes because of who's last name and genes she carries in her blood. But she fights for it, becau...