Chapter 1

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As I approached the door to the council chambers, I hesitated. I was uneasy, I wanted to calm myself, but try as I might I found I was unable to. The worry that this was about not being able to find a master to take me as their padawan. How I'd have to join the service corps or leave the order altogether. I didn't want that, I wanted to become a Jedi Knight, so of course, I was nervous about what was going to happen when I opened that door.

After a few deep breaths, I was able to pluck up the courage to open the door and walk to the middle of the room. All of their gazes followed as I went to stand in the middle of their circle. Each one of the grandmasters was watching me, which did little to curb my nervousness. I bowed to the group greeting them, "you wanted to speak with me masters," I said as I did so.

"Yes, it's about the situation with finding you a master to complete your training. After all this time we seem to be unable to come to an agreement on any that would work for you. You either would be good fits or ones that would have a padawan already or don't want one," Master Windu said explaining the situation.

My heart dropped at his words, my feelings were right... I wouldn't be getting another master, my dream to become a Jedi Knight is no longer possible, and wouldn't happen. I looked around the room at all the masters, thinking that maybe, just maybe they would give some kind of hint that this wasn't the truth, but they all had sorrowful looks on their faces, some even seemed to avoid eye contact with me. Even Obi-wan was looking as everyone else was, I think he was who really sold it for me, and when I started to actually get afraid of what was going to happen to me. Afraid of what was in store for me if not at the Jedi temple.

"Calm yourself, you must. One more possibility there still is," Master Yoda spoke up over the silence.

I looked at him confused, what was he talking about? Master Windu just said they haven't been able to find a master that would fit with me. Even as I look around the room the rest of them seem to be just as perplexed by what Master Yoda had said. I felt a bit relieved by what he said, however. It meant he hadn't given up, maybe he knew something that the rest of the council had failed to remember or something. I took a few more deep breaths as I tried not to get my hopes up too much. He said it was a possibility, not a certainty, so it also might not work out.

"Master Kenobi, another Padawan, looking to take, are you?" Master Yoda addressed Obi-wan.

I almost couldn't believe what I was hearing. He was actually suggesting that Obi-wan take me as his Padawan? He was his possibility? I almost wish they had done this as a council-only discussion, and not with me in the room. I didn't want him to reject me as a padawan right in my face. They could have just left it as no one fit with me to be my master. Though I hoped he would, as much as we have become distant, our training was very integrated with each other's masters. That is of course besides the fact that Obi-wan doesn't really want anything to do with me anymore.

"Uhmm... Yes, I am Master Yoda, but I'm not sure where you are going with this. I can't say that I'm certain we would fit as Master and apprentice," Obi-wan said, seemingly against and off-put by the sudden idea.

As I thought he doesn't want me as his padawan, and why would he. Master Yoda might not have realized it, but I sure did with how he had acted with me. The last time we spoke, he was harsh and cold towards me, and even before that he had never come to me to try and stay friends. It was always me going and confronting him.

"You and Master Qui Gon, with Serenity and Master Fliviar'alin, Trained a lot, did you?" Master Yoda asked him.

"Yes we did master, Master Fliviar'alin would occasionally train me, and Qui Gon to Serenity, there would even be instances when I would help her train as well," Obi-wan said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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