The story begins |2|

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(Scaramouche might be a bit ooc so sorry about that)

Stirring awake, Scaramouche realizes that he's in an unfamiliar place, was this even Teyvat? Hearing something behind him, he quickly turns around ready to fight only to see a strange mirror.

"Ah, my lovely Lord, the noble and beautiful flower of evil,"

He stands there suspicious and weary of this mirror which seemed to be... flattering him? That didn't matter as of now, he just needed to find a way back to Teyvat.

"You are the most beautiful, number one in this world."

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the most...

For thee, guided by the Mirror of Darkness,
Follow thy heart and take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror.
Flames that turn even stars into ashes,
Ice that imprison even time,
Great tree that swallow even the sky,
Don't be afraid of the power of darkness,"

Scaramouche just stood there confused, I mean he just woke up nowhere and found a talking mirror.

"Come now, show your power.
Mine, theirs, and yours,
There's only little time left for us.
Do not let go of that hand, at all costs."

"....What kind of cryptic bullshit is that?"

He doesn't have a chance to get an answer as he once again falls unconscious.


He slowly wakes up only to find himself in a coffin this time. Trying to open the lid, he stops after hearing a voice right outside.

"Darn, people will come soon!
I have to wear the uniform, fast...
Nggggh!!! This lid is so heavy. If it has come to this... gonna have to use my last resort!"

Suddenly he sees fire which he assumes was due to the voice outside.

"Ngg.... there!!!"

Getting out he glares at the figure only to realize it's a flying cat with its ears on fire?

"Well then, well then, here's our aim...
Huh, gyaaaa!!!! You, why are you awake already!?"

Unimpressed with this talking cat, he glares at it for nearly burning him. This effectively scares Grim making him shiver in fear.

"Who the hell do you think you? You're lucky I have other things to do rather than beating up a cat."

"Huh?!? Who's the cat!!!!
I am the great Grim-sama, you know!"

Scaramouche doesn't bother listening to this car and starts looking around the room. There were a lot of other coffins which was weird given the fact that this didn't seem like a funeral parlor.

"Oh, well. You, the human over there. G-give me those clothes! Or, or else... I'll roast you whole!"

Electricity starts to build up as he looks at the "cat" again.

"Who are you to raise your voice at me like that!" He says as lightning strikes just an inch away from Grim.

This was enough to scare Grim out of his mind, so he decided to be smart and not say anything anymore, but of course he's still gonna try to get the uniform since he's stubborn.

//Timeskip to the library//

"This seems like a library, but why are those books all flying?"

"Did you think you could run away from me!? You lowly human!
Now, if you don’t want to be roasted whole, give me those clothesー"

Suddenly something binds Grim.

"Fugya!? It hurts! What’s this string!?"

A person, or rather crow walks towards them.

"It’s not a string. It’s the whip of love!
Aah, I finally found you.
You're this year's new student, right?
That's not good. To arbitrarily get out of the gate! Plus, to have a familiar that you have not tamed yet is against the school rules."

Scaramouche had so many questions right now, why tf did he have a so called "whip of love"? Who is that bird? Where even is he? Before he could get a chance to say anything he gets interrupted.

"Yes, yes, every rebellious familiar says that. Let’s be quiet for a while, shall we?"

Who in the world was he to not only interrupt him, but assume that cat was his familiar! He was definitely gonna zap that crow someday.

"Really. It’s unheard of for new student to arbitrarily opening the door and coming out by themselves.
Sigh… how impatient are you?

"What door are you ta-"

Once again Scaramouche is interrupted and ignored. This dude was really testing his patience.

"Come, come, the opening ceremony has started long ago. Let’s go to the Mirror Chamber."

Sighing, he follows the dude mumbling curses at him along the way.

//Meanwhile with the mysterious figure//

As the figure emerges from the shadows, a small figure is awaiting him holding a plush.

"Has the plan commenced yet? We don't want to keep her waiting."

Smiling at the young girl, he replies, "Don't worry Yuro, everything is going according to plan."

The two look at each other and go their separate ways.

The two look at each other and go their separate ways

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Yeah Crowley, listen to Cater

[Posted: March 26, 2022

★彡 𝙳𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚛 彡★ (GI x TWST)Where stories live. Discover now