Chapter 32 I Love You

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Third person's pov

With a skip in the steps, Meera followed the path out of the yacht. On the dock, a green heart-shaped paper was stuck on a pipe rod of the railing. Intrigued and curious, she picked it up. Glancing around to see anyone around, Meera opened the folded paper when she saw no one meaning it was for her.

"Does your heart beat fast and accelerate like the waves of the ocean around me? "

Automatically thinking about him, her heart fluttered. Smiling, Meera tucked the note in her palm. Excited, she walks ahead. Another note come across her stuck to the end of the railing of the dock. She opened it smiling excitedly.

"Does your stomach flutters as when the sand on the shore tickles your feet when you think of me? "

Yes! It does, Meera answered in her head. Closing her eyes she saw the smiling face of Elijah winking at her. Her heart skipped a beat and her stomach fluttered. Opening her eyes, she took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. Keeping the note, she walked on the white crystalline sand. When she took the first step on the sand, a burst sounded. Startled she looked ahead to see the shower of red feathers along with red sparkles in heart shape from the sand. Thoughtfully, she took another step, and consequently, another burst opposite to the previous one of feathers and sparkle showering on her. Like a giddy kid, she took step after step. Burst after burst filled her with joy. Jumping around in the middle she twirled around with arms wide open. The touch of smooth feathers was pleasant and the sparkles shined in the rays of the morning sun. It was magical.

Stopping, giggling, Meera looked ahead at a huge green heart banner made up of green feathers, in the middle another green heart-shaped note was attached. Breaking into a grin, she ran towards it amongst the feathers. Plucking it out, she read it.

"Do you feel warm as the sun warms the coastal sand when I make you happy? "

I was, am happy right now from what you did Eli with the feathers, she thought. He remembered that she likes feathers. It made her happy. It was a piece of minute information about her but still, he did remember and used it in the most romantic way. Smiling hard, she joined the note with others resting in her palm. Moving ahead, she walked around the heart towards the bar on the beach. Upon reaching, she was surprised to see drinks of her choice, watermelon and guava punch, on the counter full of smiley watermelon and guava plushies. Twinkle bells in red heart shapes were ringing in the air hanging from the roof of the bar. The sound soothed her. Another one of her likes, she loves twinkle bells and he yet remembered it. She recalls how she complained to him on their honeymoon when she saw no twinkle bells in his mansion. Gently pushing one bell, she let it ring. Smiling in joy, her eyes landed on another green heart note stuck to a glass of watermelon punch. Opening it, she read.

"Does your heart sings in happiness as the sound of ocean waves when I laugh because of you? "

You have no idea how much! She wondered. Her heart is like a drum, beating so loud whenever she makes him laugh. It's her favorite sound, his laugh, and giggles. Kissing the note, she keeps it with the rest. Looking around, she searches for the man in question who is giving her sweet surprises till now. Far away on left, she saw a huge green balloon. Getting up from the seat she occupied, she went to it. Upon reaching, she immediately took the stuck note which made the balloon burst. Surprised and startled, she took several steps back. Around her, plenty of small red heart balloons were floating in the air released from the green balloon. On each was written, "I love you, say yes".

Laughing in happiness and at his silliness, Meera chased after some balloons, touching and playing with them. Remembering the note in her hand, she opened it.

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