Play 1 - 8 - 10 pm EST Dramione - Why ever not?

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She was there, look out of the balcony, the tears streaming down her angelic face as she looked out into the moonlit night.

There were times when I so wanted to say how much she meant to me... But I couldnt...

So I resolve to not get out of control and just act normal as walked towards her. She didnt notice I was there until I stood right next to her.

"Whats wrong Granger? The library was closed?" I said smirking, surprised at my composure.

I know she hated it.

"Go away Malfoy, I am not really in a mood to speak to gits."

It hurt me to hear her say the name, although I have heard it before, with such hatred that it boiled and simmered in her.

Keep calm Draco, don't lose yourself, I tell my conscience.

"Oh Granger don't deny me my shot of amusement, I am just having fun," I say as I turned to her and looked into her eyes. My words got lodged in my throat.

"I have a very different idea of fun, Malfoy. You don't and won't understand." I could see pain in her eyes.

"I will..." I said softly. I can't bear to see her in pain. "Try me."

"You won't. You don't know how it feels like to see the one person you loved with someone else. But of course you have had everything you ever wanted, how could you understand? Why am I even telling you this?" She sobbed.

"No, I exactly understand what you feel like. I know how it hurts to see the one person you love with someone else. To see them cry for that person..." I said.

"What do you mean? You know every girl in the school wants you... You could have anyone you want..."

"..Except you," I said.

Her face was a mask of shock and pain. But then I saw an unknown emotion flicker in her eyes.

"Draco..." she said softly.

"I'll be going now..." I said, ashamed at how I lost control.

I was about to walk away, when I felt a soft hand grab my wrist and pull me back.

"When did you ever become a Gryffindor? I didn't know you had enough guts to say that!" She started laughing. I smiled weakly, glad this won't get any worse.

"I really must go..."

"I too want you..."

"Wait, what?"

"I too want you Draco, although you have insulted me a thousand times and made my life miserable, I did and still do want you.."

I turned to look at her eyes. I understood what that unknown emotion was, it was love. I held her face in my hands and said, "I am all yours... I can't bear to see you cry, it rips me apart, " I said as I wiped the tear that streaked down her cheeks away.

We were still standing apart. She grabbed hold of my shirt and pulled me closer. "I love you.." she said almost like a whisper. I can't hold back anymore. I pressed my lips against hers, years of passion flowing through me as I finally got what I really want. That moment was undoubtedly, the best ever in my life.

Phew. That was heavy. Contrary to popular notion of starting with a light chapter, I just wanted to break the wheel. Anyone get the reference? No? Well that was good while it lasted. Watch out for more prates and don't forget to send me requests. No matter how bad. I can take it. ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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