All Mine

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Clares POV

"Are you ready to see your room?" Sarah asks as she puts her hand on the golden doorknob.

It's has been about a week since we went shopping and I got to pick everything out for my room and I have been waiting very impatiently. Although it is my own fault it took so long, I just had to pick out the one flooring they didn't have in stoke and also ask Kline to paint the back wall for me so that took time. So to say I was excited to see it was an understatement.

I nod my head as I squeezed Klines hand causing him to chuckle at me. Sarah pushes open the door and I let out a gasp at the room. Hanging from the ceiling was a rose gold chandelier that sparkled in its own light. The olive-colored flooring had a rough look but was actually very smooth making it perfect to spin on. On one of the long walls there was nothing but mirrors and ballet barres and the other had a small setting area and two doors. But the best part of the room was Klines painting. On the far wall was a beautiful dancer with a long, flowy, yellow skirt made of a splatter paint effect.

I walk fulling into the room and give a big smile," This is amazing! Thank you so much!"

I hear them chuckle" we glad you like it." Sarah says with a big smile.

I stare at the painting Kline made, the thought that he made it just for me made me feel overjoyed. Sarah told me that Kline doesn't let a lot of people see his work, so for him to paint some just for me made my heart skip a beat. Quickly I run to Kline and jump on him, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He lets out a grunt of surprise but chuckles and hugs me back.

"Thank you so much, Kline, It is so beautiful and means so much to me," I whisper into his neck. A shiver runs down his spine but he says nothing and just holds me tighter.

I pull back with a big smile" Would you like to see my first dance in my new room?"

He chuckles but nods so I look over at Sarah to see her happily watching us." How about you Sarah? I would like you to stay too seeing as you were the brains behind this beautiful design."

" I won't miss it for the world"

I get excited and hop down from Kline and look around, realizing I need something a little more breathable to dance in. I get an idea and smile at Kline." Kline give me your shirt please."

"What ?" Both him and Sarah looked taken back by my request.

"Come on, just do it," I say with a little pout.

Kline blushes but starts to unbutton his shirt and holds it out to me. I quickly kick out of my sandals and slip my t-shirt cut dress off. At the sight of me in my spandex shorts and sports bra Kline chokes and starts coughing as Sarah smiles keeps her composure.

I slide it over my shoulder as Sarah speaks up," You know that door is a dressing room with all your dance clothes and shoes in it right?"

"No, wait. I mean... just go ahead and wear my shirt seeing as you already have it on." Sarah and I giggle at Kline as he rubs the back of his neck.

I nod as I look at them" What song should I dance to?"

"Oh watch this!" Sarah says" Alexa, play Safe and sound by Taylar Swift."

As Alexa replies, I run to stand in the middle of the floor. The music start I slowly sway to it and just let my feet lead me through what movement felt right, I bend and twice around the room, throwing in a one-handed cartwheel with a twist. Bringing my leg out in front of me then back behind me into a third arabesque. I continue until the song is over and Sarah and Kline are clapping. I giggle as I take and bow and walk over to them.

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