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It was six in the morning. Here is Dex Johnson, the youngest out of the 4 brothers who are known to be one of the best wrestling families in the history of pro wrestling.

Dex: Ugh, another morning. Can't a guy get his sleep in?

The 25 year old complained. Who can blame him? Last night, he went on a 5 hour long tort- I mean workout.

???: Dex! Wake up, lad! It's time for yer training!

Dex: Yup! I'm awake. Ugh.

Groggily, he rose from the bed not without hearing some cracking when he strecthed his arm out.


After a quick shower, he went to the kitchen for a quick breakfast.

Dex: Ngamp!

???: Dex, eat slowly. I don't want you to have muscle cramps while you're training.

Dex: Ugh, fine. Whatever you say, Al.

Al just sighed at his youngest brother antics. Al, also known as Alex Johnson, is considered to be one of the best pro wrestler in world. Retired, but his legacy goes on. Because of him, the Johnson name is a household name in the pro wrestling business. Ranging from WWE to FEO Wrestling, another famous wrestling company in the world who Alex is the General Manager of the company, you can say he has a glorious career.

Alex: *sigh* Well, I can't force ya. Remember, tonight you have a tryout at the WWE's Performance Center.

Dex: I know I know. Just give me sometime, okay? I'm stressed out.

Alex: Hmm, well let me tell you a secret on how-

Dex: Ugh, come on, Al. I've heard it too much now. Its kinda annoying, you know?

Alex: I know. *sigh* Just dont mess up and botch any moves.

Dex: I've worked for TNA and won the X-Division title three times. THREE! Three more than you have.

Alex: Yet three fails to win the Heavyweight championship though.

Dex: W-well, it was not my fault that the booking was not in my favour.

Alex: *chuckles* Well, first it was Aries. Then, Lashley and then EC3. I mean, literally you became champion at the worst of times.

Dex: Ugh, I dont want to talk about it.

Alex: Are you sure you want to tryout WWE?

Dex: Well, yeah. Literally, one of the biggest pro wrestling company in the world. Who wouldn't?

Alex: Well, have you considered AEW? I mean, I can get help from Tony. Or how about FEO, I'm literally the GM and Rich is there too. Or how about Japan? I can ask Nick to help you go get in NJPW.

Dex: Ugh, c'mon. Like every wrestling promotion you just told me has Johnsons. Well, except AEW. But my point is I want my own legacy. So how abt I start with a bang. If I get the chance to work for WWE, I get to forge my legacy there.

Alex: Well, if you say so. But remember, you're an indie wrestler. Don't get me wrong, I respect Vince, but he don't always give the best treatment to indie wrestlers.

Dex: C'mon, Al. Doesn't mean both you and Rich failed doesn't mean that I'm going to fail.

Alex: *sigh* Well, I can't force you so goodluck on tonight.

Dex: Thanks *takes another bite of his breakfast*


After some light training and resting, Dex is now on the front door of the WWE's Performance Center in Orlando.
Bored, Dex decided to put on his earphone and listened to some music.

(Bones by Imagine Dragons)

Dex: I-I-I, got this feeli-

???: Oh, hello there!

Startled, Dex dropped his phone on the ground. Thankfully, he had a Rhino Shield case ( Not sponsored *Sad VB noises* ) for his phone.

Dex: Sheesh, so glad I bought that casing for my phone.

???: Um, hello~

Dex looked at the person who was calling him.

Dex: Uuhh, h-hi. Who are you and where did you come from?

???: Oh! Um, m-my name is Monica. Monica Utumba.

Dex: Monica, huh? Nice name.

Monica: *blush* Uhh, t-thanks.

Dex: W-wait. What was your last name?

Monica: It was Utumba.

Dex: W-wait. U-Utumba. As in-

???: Jake Utumba.

Dex was again startled with the sudden voice of a man. He then look at the source of the voice and there he is.

Dex: J-Jake Utumba. The Jake Utumba.

Jake: Yes.

Jake Utumba, widely known as Finn Razor, is one of the most decorated pro wrestler in the world. Have wrestled in multiple promotions since early 90's, he is still an active member in FEO.

Dex: U-um, nice to meet y-you sir.

Jake: No need for formalities. Call me Jake.

Dex: O-okay, J-Jake.

Monica: Dad! Your scaring him!

Dex was sweating because of his presence. He is sweating because he remembered that his second older brother, Rich Johnson has a personal rivalry with Mr. Jake here.

Jake: Well, don't just stand there. Introduce yourself young man.

Dex: T-the name is Dex. Dex Johnson.

Jake: (Johnson?) So, you're a Johnson, huh?

Dex: Y-yeah?

Jake was glaring at the six foot, 219 lbs man. Although in his early 50's, Jake still can kick some ass if he wants to.

Jake: Tell your brother to pack up his boot and return back to south. His presence in FEO is not welcomed.

Dex: U-um-

Monica: Ugh, Dad! We're here for something else. Not for you on going feud.

Jake: *inhales* *exhales* (or sigh to make it easy) Well, it was meeting you, Johnson..

Said with hatred and venom in his voice, Jake proceeds to walk away while dragging his daugther with him.

Dex: Uuuhh, nice meeting ya! (Damn, I should've got an autograph)

Dex was stunned that he got to meet one of the best of the best in person. At the same time, he felt he got lucky that his head was still intact.

Dex: *sigh* What did you did, Rich?

Suddenly, his phone rang. Again startled, he dropped his phone again.

Dex: AAREGGGHH!!! *answers the call* Who is this?!

???: Um, Mr. Johnson? Dex Johnson?

Dex: Yeah! In the flesh! Who is this?

???: Paul. Paul Levesque. Or Hunter. Or HHH.

Dex: Ack!

Wait Until The Next Chapter To Find Out More On


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