Part 89

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Manik, Nandini and Naira were sitting in the flight which was ready to take off. Naira was quiet and nervous was evident on her face.
Manik nudged Nandini who was sitting in the middle and indicated her to look over at Naira.

"Naira, calm down okay? It's just family" said Nandini rubbing her shoulders.
Naira nodded at her and sighed taking a deep breath. She had to do this and there was no escape now. And this was for the best.

Time flew by real quick and they did not know when they landed in India. For Naira, it was like she was wishing for the time to go slow, she was not ready to face her family or maybe not ready to face their reactions.To her dismay, the time instead of going slow appeared to be ten times faster.

Nandini and Naira were standing infront of the Murthy Mansion. Manik had went to the Malhotra house to keep all their luggage and also bring the Malhotras to the Murthys. Nandini wanted each and everyone to be there. Naira was not at all budging and just staring at the main door. Nandini sighed and held her hand and walked forward inside the mansion.They entered the house to see it quite.

"Mom,Dad" Nandini called out to see no one present in the hall. After a few moments, Ishita came out of the room upstairs setting her hair in a bun. She had heard Nandini and she was surprised but happy. She was changing and so finishing as fast as she could, she climbed down the stairs but halted midway. She did not take a step ahead and was just standing with her eyes glued upon Naira....and her bump. She was happy and overwhelmed to see Naira there but as soon as she noticed the bump, a galore of feelings engulfed her. She was figuring out how she was supposed to feel, and no sooner did she figure out...she was happy. She ran down the stairs double the speed and took Naira in a hug. Naira drank her tears which were threatening to fall down and hugged Ishita back.

"My goodness, Naira dear you are pregnant. What a pleasant surprise" said Ishita hugging Naira again as tears made way in her eyes as well, but of happiness.

"Just wait, oh my god I will call Raman and Abhimanyu, Sweets haan main abhi aayi" Ishita ran to the kitchen and Naira could no more stop her tears.
Nandini made her sit on the couch
"Stop crying Naira, enough now" Nandini said consoling her. Ishita hearing her cries came running from the kitchen .

"Naira what happened baby? Kahi pain ho raha hain,Nandini see to her why is she crying?" asked Ishita patting Naira's head

Naira gathered herself and made Ishita sit beside her
"Mom I am sorry" said Naira
"Sorry? Why? For not telling me? I understand you must be planning to surprise us by coming here . But beta, how many months has it been?" asked Ishita

"2 months mom"
"2? The bump is quite big, did you go for a checkup?" asked Ishita.
"I am having twins mom" said Naira . Happiness was doubled now. Ishita hugged her tight again but came out of the hug when she heard Naira's sniffs.
Ishita was confused now, something was not right for sure

"Where is Kartik?" asked Ishita and this question was what Naira had no answers to. She sat quiet. Nandini understanding her turmoil took over the conversation

"Mom, call dad and bhai and untill then Manik will be here too, Kartik will also be here by 2. Then we will talk okay?" said Nandini.
"Kartik is coming and Malhotras too? Something is wrong right? Tell me what is up?" asked Ishita curiously. She was anxious now. With all the expressions of their faces, she knew it was anything but a positive news.

"Mom, we will tell you soon okay? Naira go to your room" said Nandini. Naira nodded and went up her room to freshen up and rest for a while.

Soon enough everyone was in the hall except Kartik who was yet to come. Everyone was too surprised to see Naira pregnant but nevertheless, they congratulated her . Abhimanyu and Raman were really happy to know about the pregnancy and the fact that they were twins , elated them further. But now, they knew there was more to the story. All of them had sensed that Naira was not completely happy and into the moment and so they were all keen to hear more.

Manik settled himself beside Nandini as he knew she is as nervous as Naira. Somewhere, she still was holding herself guilty. She was thinking that things would have been at a better place if she would have told it to the family. Manik was constantly by her side rubbing her hands, shoulders , giving her pecks, everything she needed at that point of time.

"When did you get to know about this Naira?" asked Abhimanyu

"Bhai, on Di and Jiju's reception"

"What? And you told none of us?" asked Raman. He was surprised and so were the others. They though Naira came to know it when she was in LA but if she was in India between them , what made her not tell them about her pregnancy?

"I knew Dad. She told me when she got to know about it" said Nandini. She did not wish to hide it from anyone that she knew.

"Nandini bataya kyu nahi tune?" asked Ishita looking at her as the others looked at her for answers. Everyone's questioning gaze increased her nervousness. Manik tightened his hold over her hand and squeezed it. Nandini looked over at him and then at Naira. She wanted her to say it. She wanted her to tell it to the family . She wanted her to put forward her stand.

Naira understood Nandini's unsaid words and formed words to continue

"Mom..I wanted to but" Naira was not able to proceed with her words as they heard a low, husky and choked voice

"But you did not, not even to me Naira"
Kartik was on the doorstep with red eyes full of tears which he very conveniently managed to hold back.

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