Chapter 1

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           At Peterson College
                   (Bells rings)

Evie: That class was terribly boring(rolls her eyes nd yawns)

Rosy: Yea, I felt like sleeping

Olivia: U girls shouldnt be calling a class boring(shakes her head disappointedly)
Cole: Damn! Olivia is fucking pretty(gazing lovingly at Olivia's direction)

Terry: Why dont u ask her out afterall you are turning nineteen in a months time(Mia walks up to them smiling)

Mia:Hi Cole, Hey Terry

Cole:(Smiling mischievously) Hi my best gf ever can u do a favour for me(he says forming a puppy eyes)

Mia:Which favour(trying to think of the favour Cole needs this time around)

Cole: Get close to Olivia so u could help me ask her out

Mia:(surprised) So u havent gotten over the feelings since grade 3

Cole:(sighs) Its turning into a matter of life and death, pls help me Mia

Mia:Fine fine i would try(Cole grins widely

Evie: That Cole is super duper cute how i wish he would ever notice me

Rosy: Well he's cute but i got Joe anyway
Olivia:(rolls her eyes out of frustration hearing her besties talking about guys she just couldnt understand how guys would be their problem) U girls should really drop this topic

Evie:(mischievously) Yes Mother Theresa(Rosy nudges her on the elbow while Olvia glares)

Olivia:Its not that....(she is been cut of words by Mia who joins them

Mia:Hey girls(the three of them in unison says Hi
Mia:Euhm Olivia can i see u in private

Evie:No problem Rosy lets get to the cafeteria and get a good view of u know who(she giggles and they leaves)

Olivia:Am all ears

Mia:So i heard you are good at word problems and am badly in need of someone to tutor me on it. Would u tutor me pls

Olivia:Ok its no big deal
            In the Hallway
Ashley:Jeff is damn handsome(she says it with dreamy eyes

Sandy:But he doesnt notice u

Ashley:Thats a lie to prove u wrong here he comes...Hi Jeff(Jeff walks past her nd pretends like no one ever said anything

Ashley(embarassed)That was damn rude(sobs)

Sandy:(consoles her)Forget him he isnt worth your tears

Alec: I didnt like what you did to Ashley

Jeff: She was been childish

Alec:(stunned) I thought you like her

Jeff: Yea I do but I have to be the one wanting to talk to her not the other way round

Alec:(sighs) Man you are gonna loose that girl

Jeff:(laughs) I wouldnt trust me

Shirley:Rina your brother is so handsome

Rina:(shakes her head) I wonder what you girls see in Cole, he's just  plain annoying Cole(she shrugs)

Shirley:(slightly angry) I wont hear u utter such words against my Cole. He isnt annoying, he plays basketball, the fastest swimmer in this School not to forget he has won King Peterson College four times in a row who else can beat that

Rina(sighs inwardly)Fine you won
Well i wanna go collect the house key from him so u get to see him

Shirley(smiling greatly) Thanks Rina
     (They got to where he was)
Shirley:Hey Cole its me Shirley

Cole:(ignores her)What do you want Rina

Rina:Cole hand me the house keys, wanna go home

Cole:(dips his hand in his pocket,brings out the key) Here is the key and pls take your friend along

Rina:Dont be rude, she likes you cant u understand

Cole:Sorry for her I dont
Rina: But Cole.....

Shirley(sad) Its ok Rina lets go(They leave)
(Brian and Terry feels sorry for Shirley but they cant do anything)

Terry(sights Mia and Olivia together) Mia and Olivia are getting along

Cole:(smiles) Let me go say Hi
         (In an empty class)
Olivia:You arent that bad

Mia: Thats the thing but at the end of the exam I end up with a "C"

Olivia:Hmmmm(thinking of what could be distracting her but Mia friends join them)

Janet:Hey Mia

Delia:Mia we didnt know u've got a new friend

Mia: Well guys meet Olivia she's tutoring me

Olivia:Heyy. Am Olivia Darren(they introduced themselves and Olivia got to know that there were twins among them "Janet and Jack")(They talk for  awhile then Cole, Terry and Brian joins them)

Cole:Hey guys, Hey Olivia(focuses all his attention on her)

Olivia:(he knows me feeling awkward) Hi Cole

Cole:So what are u guys up to(pretending like he doesnt know)

Mia:(flowing along) We were studying but got interrupted by you all

Cole:Study time is over

Terry:I kinda agree

Brian lets get to know ourselves

Jack:Since we dont really know much about Olivia why dont she tell us more about herself

Olivia:Well, am Olivia Darren like i said earlier, I would turn seventeen in 3days time, First child, I have got one sister Ashley Darren.


Terry:Thats cool(They all laughed and continued getting along)

    Evie sighted and feels jealous
Evie:OMG are Cole and Olivia getting along

Rosy:It seems so

Evie:Why is she acting all nice and leaning towards him hope its not what im thinking

Rosy:I dont think so, lets not jump into conclusion Mia

              Olivia's House
Olivia:(concerned)Why u so angry today Ashley

Ashley:Its nothing why do u care anyway

Olivia:Is it Jeff maybe i could be of help(she smiles)

Ashley(eyes her) What do u know about Love and Dating. Mind your  business

Olivia:Im sorry for intruding on your life i dont see the reason gor fighting me cause of a boy(controls her rising temper and leaves)

                 Cole's House
Rina: I didnt like the way u treated Shirley today

Cole: Dont bother me pls

Rina:She loves you

Cole:But i dont my heart isnt for her

Rina:(looks at him hardly) Then who is it with


Rina:What(shocked) That dimwit(irritated)

Cole(slaps her) Dont u dare talk about her like that u would smell hell if you repeat it(walks out on her) (Rina sobs) 

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