Chapter 8

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          Monday Morning

Janet: How was your said (she said grinning)

Delia: It was awesome

Olivia: Eh eh(smiles)  You both smooched alot right

Delia: (Laughs) You guys should let me be (she blushes hard)

Mia: Olivia I heard Cole came over to your house

Olivia: Yea he did

  (Cole joins them with Brian)

Mia: We were just talking about you Cole

Cole: (smiles) Really? What were you guys saying

Mia: Well I was asking Olivia if you really came to her house

Cole: Yes I did her mom is nice the Chicken Lasagna she made was really tasty, Ashley is ok, well her dad was kinda freaking me out with lots of questions

Delia: My dad would do same thing. He is just trying to know you more (Olivia leaves)

Jack: Are you both fighting?

Cole: Not that I can remember she just left before i got a chance to say Hi

Brian: I guess you should go talk to her before she thinks there is a problem

Mia: Yea I totally agree with that

Cole: Ok let me go talk to her (He leaves)

Joe: Rosy and I don't really talk like we used to

Olivia: Maybe she is busy with school stuffs and class. Do you want me to help you talk to her?

Joe: That was not why I told you to meet me here. Well Rosy's birthday is tomorrow and I promised to take her to a party but I still don't know how to dance yet

Olivia: (laughs) I thought we have done this before

Joe: Yea I know it just doesn't want to stick with me (He sighs)

Olivia: Its Ok I could teach you again

Joe: Thanks so much Olivia you are the best

Olivia: Its fine I'd always help my best friend. So well I would teach you romance dance because there is nothing much to learn in hip hop

Joe: Ohh

Olivia: Yeah just flow with the music

Joe: Ok coach

Olivia: (rolls her eyes)  shut up. Ok first in romance dance, you put your one hand on the partners waist

Joe: Ok (He does it)

Olivia: Then the second on the shoulder (He does it) You step to the left then to the right

Joe: It feels great

Olivia: (laughs)  Always maintain eye contacts keep goin left right then you spin me and catch me before I fall

Joe: Cool

Olivia: Ok let's dance with some music (she takes out her phone and plays 'Stay by Rihanna') So let's dance all we practiced

(They keep dancing and didn't notice Cole as he comes, he sees them and leaves angrily but bumps into Evie)

Evie: (acts maliciously) Hii Cole

Cole: Just get out of my way

Evie: Jeez calm down you seem angry

Cole: Yea I am

Evie: (smiles evily)  Olivia is really pissing you off huh? There she is dancing with Joe God knows what more she does

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