Name: Shaun
Age: 20
Gender: male
Sexualtiy: bisexual
Species: shape shifter
Looks: picture above
Clothes: pictures below
Likes: Walking in nature, watching animals such as bird and deer, warm clothes such as sweater, comfortable areas to take a nap at.Dislikes: bullies and meanies, when he is called a monster, when he gets hurt or harmed, small cells.
Important: ok
Magic or powers: he can change his look and appearance even do things such as growing deer antlers.
Weapons: He has a small pistol he stole from a camper.
Hevanly weapon: Elemental pistol
Hevanly weapon ability: it can change forms to have a different effect when shooting.
Special suit: none
Pets: a giant moose named Naboo
Vehicles: he rides his moose
Other: none
Role: Monster Offical