About Love

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"My head gets messy when I try to hide, the things I love about you in my mind

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"My head gets messy when I try to hide, the things I love about you in my mind."
About Love

George watched Dream rummage around his room frantically while sifting his fingers through Ashlyn's hair. The three of them decided to watch a movie in Dream's room before Jade texted him saying she was free. Dream was planning a date with her since their trip to the store so George wasn't surprised when he jumped at the chance to fulfill his ideas. Maybe a bit hurt watching him choose someone other than him but that was jealous and the emotion never looked good on him. It was exhausting and irrelevant to be bitter towards some form of happiness for Dream. George pushed it down well.

Dream wanted to fix what they had, which George couldn't exactly see anything they had in the first place. From Dream's earlier comments, George could infer that Jade had cheated or at least strayed before. He couldn't understand why Dream was still with her but he tried to be supportive. Maybe he'd never know the ins and outs of other's relationships due to all his failed attempts. George heard a couple he knew back in school got married after all of their adultery against one another. He briefly wondered if their situation turned out better in hope maybe Dream's would be.

"Shower," George muttered to his lost-looking friend. "And stop stressing."

"Shower," Dream repeated. "Yeah, you think I should..."

"Shower," George said again. Dream back and forth with eyes of a lunatic. That pretty hue was eating the world as a stress reliever. It was almost laughable but George was trying to keep quiet while Ashlyn slept against him. If he was lucky all he'd have to do was take her back to his room and lay her down for the night. "You have two hours till you have to pick her up."

"Two hours." Dream seemed to be far away from the situation, confused and contemplative. "Right, shower. Are you guys okay? Is Ashlyn's going to be-"

George softened, "we're fine, Dream. Go take a shower I'll pick out your clothes if you want me to."

"Please." His shoulders dropped relieved before he headed straight into the en suite bathroom.

As the door closed George wondered if Dream was supposed to be this nervous. Quite frankly he was a wreck. He always imagined a little jittery or maybe excitement when going on a date. But no, Dream was full-blown eyebrow tensed stressed. He thought when you were with someone that they were supposed to make you feel safe, cared for, not frantic. Dream honestly looked scared to face Jade, but George wouldn't say anything about that.

In Dream's closet, he sifted through all the shirts that appeared colorless in his deficient eyes. Greens that looked like awful mustard and a lot of browns. He paused over a shirt he knew was blue and frowned. George bought the shirt years ago during his first stay and had given it to Dream as a momentum from England. It wasn't a big deal then but Dream treated it like gold and had kissed him gladly. Hard against his bedroom door like a lover leaving his beloved behind for war. He could almost taste the desperation on his tongue pulling the hanger from the wrack. As a second option, he pulled a black button-up and nice jeans. They were going eat at some fancy restaurant then out for drinks, George figured this fit the occasion.

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