Part 1-Callen

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I always knew there was a chance we would get caught. I just didn't care. I mean, come on! What are they gonna do? Lecture us? Put us in the den? Callen get down from there!, Kai signed in ASL from the ground below. Moss was starting to grow on the branches from the morning rain. I smirked at him in response. Daring him to do something about it. Like he would ever get this high.

I jumped off, loving the air that blew my hair back. The counselors always ask why I keep my hair short, other than the defiant statement. This, this is why. I shifted my weight to the heels of my feet, catching my board. My knees automatically bent, absorbing the shock that followed the landing. I adjusted my weight again, into my back foot, turning into a frontside 180 before I ran into Kai.

The look on his face when I just about hit him is always priceless. His usual stern face turns into a look of surprise as I turn just before impact. Moving fast enough for him not to catch me. "Come get me, slowpoke!" I laughed as I passed him. He chased after me towards Amelia. I always loved this feeling, the feeling of being free.

I turned my head forwards just too late to turn, slipping into the mud. "Omg, your face! You get what you ask for! Finally, the universe tells you not to mess around on that stupid board of yours!" She laughs, Kai, joining in. I, however, did not find it funny.

"It's not a stupid board! You're just jealous that I can do that and you can't!" I quipped back. She just shrugged, moving back to her pottery wheel. Kai snapped to get my attention,

It's almost time to head back. The thing about Kai was that he could hear us just fine, he was just mute. He fell when he was 6, slamming his head against a pole. He never spoke again after that. Doctors said it was some brain issue or something like that.

Amelia and I learned sign language that year so we could understand him. Sometimes we just sign and don't say a word, respecting the quiet. I know, I wish we didn't have to. I mean can you believe it, our last day together? Once that siren rang; we would head back to our class, finish our tests, get assigned, say goodbye, then we were off to be adults.

I was probably off to Action/Adventure, Murder, Mystery, or Horror. Kai was probably off to Comic books/Graphic novels, History, or Historical Fiction. Amelia headed to romance, classic, or fantasy. There was no chance we would get put in the same category. We were too different, but that's what made us friends.

He sat down next to Amelia on his hammock, Time flies, I feel like just yesterday we were 8 playing with the others in group 5 on the playground. God, I'm gonna miss you guys so much. Even though you annoy me to death and give me a heart attack at least once a day. He rolled his eyes. Crap, I could feel myself starting to cry.

Amelia looked up from her pottery, I know this is cheesy, she signed, but I made us bracelets, I'm never gonna forget you guys. These 16 years have meant everything to me. I knew by now all 3 of us were crying. She handed us the bracelets, each was made of string, and attached was a charm. ⅓ of a sunflower. I laughed at the irony, really Amelia a sunflower?

This was my family, my life, my hope and will to live. We all knew this day was coming but we never could have prepared ourselves for it. Never did a day go by that we didn't see each other since we were 3. We were closer than anybody wished they could be with someone. We knew each other better than we knew ourselves. Now it was coming to an end.

"I...I can't lose you guys too," I broke the silence "Who am I gonna talk to every day? Who is gonna know what I'm feeling before I even say a word? I don't wanna do this without you!" My anger spilled into my words as I cried.

I heard shuffling and looked up to find two sets of arms wrapped around me. "You're not gonna do this without us, just because we may not be there physically doesn't mean we won't be there in spirit. Callen, look at me," I looked up into her pastel green eyes "Stop crying. Crying takes up time and that time can be used to have fun and enjoy our last minutes together" Those words sounded weird coming out of her mouth considering she cried A LOT but she did have a point.

She let go of me and so did Kai. Remember that old quote we were taught as kids 'Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened? Well, I think that can apply right now. Come on, let's lay on the hammock and find shapes in the clouds! Of course, Kai would know that quote, damn bookworm he is. He dragged Amelia and me next to him on the hammock, smiling that big smile of his we see once in a blue moon.

The sky was crystal blue, full of tufts of white. "Oooh, I see a heart!" Amelia giggled, loving this game. "I think I see a smil-" A loud siren rang out, cutting her off. This was it, time to head back and hand our lives over to society.

The siren stopped leaving us in dead silence. Even the wind and crickets seemed to shut up. "Well...time to go ruin our lives". I half-heartedly joked trying to lighten the mood. I just got a glare from Kai. I got up from the comfortable position I was in and grabbed my board. "Well come on slowpokes we don't have all day. We best not be late to class or we'll get to the den on our last day!" I turned and started walking out of the woods, the path was worn down after so many years of walking on it. I heard them scramble behind me packing up and running to catch up with me.

I put my board in my bag and turned to face them. They finally caught up, and when they did I threw my arms around them. I looked at them, knowing this was scaring the hell out of us. "I love you guys," I spoke into the air. I heard Amelia whisper back the same words and Kai signed them.  

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