Part 2-Kai

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Ok, the second half of this shouldn't be too hard. I pay attention and retain most of the information. Not to mention, I've been studying all month for this day. I've got this! I square my shoulders, hands on my hips, trying to gain confidence. I remember reading somewhere that if you stand with your hand on your hips for at least 2 minutes you gain confidence.

I remember when Callen got lost on the first day of year 7, so I left class finding her in the year 13 hallway. She can be so stupid sometimes, but man do I love her to death. It was the first time I was ever late to class, our consequence was the den. That place was horrid, now it's like the 4th home to Callen, Amelia, and me. It's not a normal week if we don't end up in the den at least once. Most of the time for something Callen did. So, we took it upon ourselves to bring some flair to the place.

Our teachers around year 9 decided to stop trying to take down what we put up in there. We slowly covered the dark concrete walls with paint, posters, or writing. We stashed blankets, pillows, beanbags, and all kinds of things in there for our comfort. On a rare occasion, some kids get put in there but they know it's our stuff, not wanting to deal with Callen they keep to themselves.

I was brought back to reality when I felt someone slam into me, knocking me down "Oh Gods, I'm so so so sorry Kai!" I looked up to the person who had knocked me over. I recognized the face, tan skin, bright blue eyes that matched their hair. I could feel a blush forming over my cheeks

It's fine, my fault really for not paying attention to where I was walking. Oh wait, they probably didn't understand any of that. Idiot, not everyone knows ASL. I reached into my back pocket to grab a notepad and pencil so they could understand.

I felt a hand grab my arm, stopping me from completing my movement. "No it's not fine, and my fault, not yours, I should have been paying attention to where I was going too." Jay laughed. Wait, how did they get that? Do they know ASL too?

Do you know ASL? I signed

"Yeah! Well...maybe I kinda picked it up so I could talk to you more but never got around to it?" It sounded like a question more than a statement "Here let me help you up," They offered their hand. I took it gratefully and got up from the floor. Wow, kind, cute, and knows ASl, could Jay get even better? "If we're late I'll take full responsibility,"

I shook my head no while signing No, you will not. Even then, I don't plan on being late on our last day's second half. I smirked knowing I had won this one.

They stood there confused, "There's no way we're going to make it across the grounds in 3 minutes," Our campus grounds were huge, but something Callen figured out while snooping(no surprise there) was that there were secret paths all over school making it very easy to travel fast.

Not bothered to waste more time I grabbed Jay's hand dragging them down the hall to the bathroom. I pulled them inside over by the sinks."I'm still confused, what is going on?" I tried to remember the pattern of the light switch. Was it 'up, down, up, down, up, wait 1 second then down, up, down' or was it 'up, down, up, wait 1 second then down, up, down, up? Well, only one way to find out. I flipped the switch following the first pattern, to my surprise it was the correct one. The mirror slid down from its spot in the wall, like a window on a car. Well, what I imagine a car would look like from the stories.

I turned to look at Jay, mouth open in surprise. "Are you telling me that our school is some sort of building with passages all over it hidden from students, but somehow you have managed to figure them out and use them correctly?" I laughed and shook my head playfully.

Not really, I mean I know how to use them, and yes these are 'secret passages' if you wish to call them that but, Callen found them. I signed

"No surprise there honestly," He moved towards the cut, dropping down to the trail. "Well, you coming or not?" I rolled my eyes, I'd like to see them try to get through there without getting lost and ending up in a different class. I hopped down, running. "Oh, come on!" They soon caught up next to me, pushing me lightly. "You didn't tell me I'd have to run!"

I sped up, taking a left, we only had a minute left. If we were going to get to class on time we would have to keep at this pace. I could hear Jay not far behind me breathing. I took a right, then another left. Almost there, twenty-seven seconds. I went up the flight of stairs almost out of breath. I ran up to them pushing through the door. The janitor's closet was right across the hallway from our class. I looked behind me, trying to find Jay. They came up and over the last step through the door.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding Ok, class is right over there let's go, I turned and left the closet, and walked through our class door. Someone's hand grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. Next thing I knew I felt something on my lips. My brain finally caught up, omg, omg, Jay was kissing me. OMG, the person I've liked for 5 years now! I heard a whistle probably from Callen and some shouts from Amelia. I kissed them back, and then the bell rang.

Out of breath, looking better than ever somehow Jay was standing in front of me, after just kissing me. "I've wanted to do that for so long, you have no idea" I blushed, "Find me after class," They turned and walked towards their seat leaving me standing there.

I heard Ms.Coleman clear her throat "Now Mr.Barlowe you can kiss your partner on your own time, not mine. Get to your seat so we can finish this test," I nodded my head, and took my seat, Callen gave me a suggestive look and I just looked down at my desk. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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