6: I trust you

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A few days later, Dorcas's funeral is held. It's a small gathering, with only a few close ones from the Order. Afterwards, Remus, Sirius, Lily and James all meet in the Potters' house, in Godric's Hollow.

"I still can't believe Pete betrayed us," sighs Remus sitting on the couch.

"And Dorcas too," adds Lily, taking Effie on her lap.

"I mean, he seemed a bit distant the past few months, but I never would've thought..." says James, playing with Neville.

They all sit silently for a while. Remus thinks about the war, and how it destroyed the lives of thousands. Dorcas, Alice and Frank, Marlene. Regulus. Even Mary left. Remus looks around. He realises what he still has, and feels grateful. Sirius is still here, and Remus won't let him go. His best friends Lily and James are alive, and their daughter has a future. And Neville found a new family. Maybe there was still hope.

Sirius suddenly gets up from the couch. He crouches next to his bag.

"By the way, I got something for the kids..."

He takes out two teddy bears, one with a blue tie, the other with a red bowtie. He hands them to Effie and Neville. Effie giggles and starts playing with the blue tie. Neville holds his teddy bear by the arm.

"We have to make it right for them," says Lily. "So that they have a future."

"A few Death Eaters have been caught already... I heard Karkaroff will have a trial soon," inform them Sirius.

"There's a warrant for Peter, and your cousin Bellatrix too," adds James.

"Yeah, they might as well arrest my whole family," responds Sirius sarcastically.

James snorts. "They will probably lie about being under the imperius curse. That's what Lucius Malfoy did as soon as You-Know-Who was destroyed."

"Do you really think he's dead?" asks Remus.

"Probably not," answers James. "Dumbledore doesn't think so either. It seems too easy. I mean, how did this kid" he tickles Neville's belly, "beat the darkest wizard of all times?"

"By the way, if you need anything, any help for the kids, you know we're here for you, right?" tells him Sirius.

"I know, Padfoot, I trust you and Moony with my life," he assures.

"You will be kind of their uncles!" exclaims Lily.

"Uncle Moony and uncle Padfoot, I like that," smiles Remus, looking at Sirius.

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