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Advika went back and learnt that her friend left with his biological parents. Her Gurudev Vashishta gave her the letter ,patted her head and left. She sat with shock on the rocks where she first met him. Slowly opening the letter she read

"Dear Advika,
You must have heard about me now ,if not I will tell you. Few days after you left my biological parents came and I got to know how I was found by my Radha Maa. Turns out I was born out of wedlock due to her curiosity and she due to society pressures left me in the river where my parents found me. I can't blame her since she was pressured. In such a situation if you were not there and not taught me to meditate I would have reacted differently. But now all I feel is calm. No anger or no sadness. Of course going away from Radha Maa and Pita Adirath is a bit distressing. I hope we meet again soon. I will be waiting for the day we meet again my dear Advika.


Advika cried for a few minutes since they never seperated from each other since they were five. She calmed down and smiled and whispered "Of course Sakha . I will be waiting." After that she went back to the Ashram where her Guru said "Aditi I told you that I have a surprise for you. That surprise is that we are moving to Vrindavan. Your rest of the education will continue there."

Advika once again received a shock. She sighed and smiled and said "Ji Gurudev. I will go inform Radha Maa." Vashishta nodded and she left to the house near the Ganges. She knocked on the door where a tired Radha was seen. Radha smiled a little seeing her and beckoned her in.

Advika bit her lip and said "Radha Maa I'm sorry. " Radha looked confused and Advika continued "My Gurudev said that we have to move to Vrindavan for the rest of my education. I don't want to leave you just after Sakha left but i can't defy my Guru." Radha sighed and smiled slightly and said "Putri Advika you are a good girl. I am grateful and happy that you are thinking about me. But you cannot fall behind in your education. Go dear."

Advika smiled and said "Don't worry Radha Maa I will definitely visit you again." Radha nodded and Advika left the house. The next day she, Gurudev Vashishta and Gurumata Arundhati left for Vrindavan. Advika had a very good feeling in her heart about Vrindavan and she was excited to go.

It took three days for them to reach Vrindavan and Advika was mesmerized. The Yamuna river flowing and the birds chirping had her smile wide. She got down and immediately and went to the river and washed her hands and face. After they settled down the town's people came and took her Gurudev's blessings and told her that she was now one of them.

Advika really liked this place. The people were very warm and nice and the environment was good surrounded with nature. One day when she finished her training she was walking back to the ashram when she saw two children.

One looked 4 years old and the other three. They were playing near the cows and laughing. Suddenly a cow got agitated and started trotting speedily towards the children. Advika gasped and ran towards them. Before the cow reached them she pulled the two children to her and the cow ran through the place where they previously at.

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