Unknown Room and a talk that changed my life hh

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I felt like my life was over I was sitting in the corner write where the strange man left me. I started feeling Fatigue i didnt eat since 5 hours and my stomach was empty i felt sleeping and i this moment i closed my eyes and sudden voice far away said, "Wake up Billy Baston.'' I reshaped myself and walked forward where the voice called me on the way i couldnt turn anywhere right or left the only way was straight. After I second i turned my had and behind me was a wall with some statue and i came closer to see what was written their it said, WHILE IN THE WORLD THIER IS SHAZAM THIER WILL BE JUSTICE EVEN IN POOR TIMES SHAZAM WILL HELP YOU ANYTIME, IF YOU READ THIS THING IT MEANS YOULL CAN THE POWERS NOBODY HAD EVER DREAMED YOU BILLY BASTON WILL BECOME POWERFUL SHAZAM. And the lighting stroke me and I fell on the ground. When I woke up slept almost 3 hours in comma. I saw a throne last time i didnt see it, and most interesting on the throne sat a old grandpa. I came closer and said, Hello sir.'' He stood up and introduced himself as the powerful wizard SHAZAM. He came closer and started a conversation with me said, " I have fought darkness for 300 years and and I always brought to the world justice and in order to be Shazam you need to say just this word SHZAM. He explained to me what these words stood for S-Solomon H- Hercules A- Atlas Z- Zeus A- Achilles M- Mecury. I had no idea of what was he talking about, but later he told me that he had choosen me to continue his path he explained he say one word Shzam and I become a powerful big man in a red suit and in cloak and in the middle of the red suit will be a thunderbolt and he continued... While your person if anythinh bad happens you say Shazam and you become a big man and while you fought with oppenets remeber to say Shzam it will always help you. He sighed and said, ''GET OUT My Time is over this underground will break get out. And his last words were, ''REMEMEBER FROM THIS DAY YOUR BILLY AND SHAZAM."

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