{Chapter One: Everything is Fine.}

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Snapped Threads {Chapter One: Everything is Fine.}




Please read this before continuing!

Snapped Threads is a TMF AU that includes some very heavy topics. The trigger warnings are here for a reason, and aren't to be taken lightly. If you feel triggered by anything on this list, I do not suggest reading. Thank you.

TW: death, wake/funeral services, verbal/mental abuse (from parents), minimal (but still some) cussing, mention of seizures

Please let me know if there's anything else I should add, I want to make sure people are aware of what they're reading.




Dawn. Not when the sun has already stretched out into the surrounding sky, sending streaks of color in each direction, but the earlier part. The time when the Sun shyly starts to peek its head out from the ground, quietly taking the place of the moon. A dark and peaceful time, and according to a young teenage boy, it was arguably the best part of the day.

It was five in the morning, and a mess of auburn fluff could be seen peeking through the covers whilst tossing and turning. Golden eyes could be seen slowly fluttering open under the hair, then widening drastically.

The boy sat straight up from his bed, eyes still wide open. He turned his alarm off quickly, then promptly stood up and made his bed.

"Just make it through the day, take it one step at a time and you can do it. Everything will be fine if you just keep going."

Luke swiftly left the room, making very little noise whilst walking around the house. He spent the next half hour preparing himself for school, leaving him fully ready by 5:45 in the morning.

School didn't start for another two hours.




Tap Tap Tap

The boy's white tennis shoes were lightly bumping against the floor while he sat down in an armchair in his parlor. His eyes darted nervously around the room, looking for anything to distract him. To take his mind off of his thoughts, and to put him at ease.

Based on his actions, one may come to the fair conclusion that something may have gone wrong in this boy's life recently. But no, this is just how he is, and how he always has been.

Or at least, for quite some time.




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Elizabeth A. Peterson, Luke's beloved little sister. Auburn hair, slightly darker than her brother's, pale emerald eyes, and lightly tanned skin, with a small mole located beside her eye, just like Luke. Truly a remarkable child, so graceful and smart. Elizabeth tended to keep to herself around her parents and their associates, but when she was with her brother, she became a whole different person. The two of them lit up each other's world, inseparable from the moment she was born. They went on all sorts of adventures together, sometimes with Luke's closest friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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