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BOOM BAG mebonnie !!!!!!!! Noooo no SpIdERmAN195...MEbOnniE is GoNe................Three hours earlier........ I'm glad you came up with this plan to make more hideouts Spider-Man195 said yah now your not that crazy about this I said I agree I had to adjust to it it is fun being a spy sneaking and found this emergency radio it turns out they only took over this city mebonnie added wait the radio Spider-Man 195 said turn it up I said BREAKING NEWS... THE CREATURES HAVE TAKEN HOSTAGES AND ARE THREATENING TO KILL THEM IF WE DONT MEAT THERE DEMANDS.. no we have to stop them I said yah we agreed lets go scout out the area... there they are mebonnie said ok you see anything weird spiderman195 no not so far he said ok me and mebonnie are going to move up you stay back and warn us there's tall grass all around use it to your advantage lets go we got close then patrol came down... after a few minutes they past ok move I said SPiDerMAn195 SeE ANytHinG OVEr No OveR ALriGhT move... We SEe ThE HOStaGes Can We APprOtch YaH aLl I SeE Are JuSt thOSe Three oK GoIng in I stabbed the first one mebonnie shoot a few of them then BOom BaNg run me Bonnie it was a trap SPIDermAn195 Run I 13 MinUTes Got iT Got iT he replied me and mebonnie jumped into the river below water fall swim to the left.. that was a close one now go I said still getting shat at run we got to a cliff BoOm BANg MEBONNIE he got blasted off the cliff ..I got you I said zombie he yelled and.... let go to save my life nOOooo!!!!!!! I got up and ran Go BaCK tO BasE SpIdeRman195 RogEr ThaT..... where's mebonnie he asked he didn't make it I said what he said how are we going to get information we lost a good person.

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