The text message

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They hadn't spoken since the chance encounter in the woods,neither of them seemed quite ready,neither of them believed they ever would.

It had been years since they had spoken,both indirectly missing one other through old photographs and cryptic tweets related to the band. Time can change a person,so maybe time had simply changed the men they were into the ones they had become.

Kier seemed happy from the view an outsider,he was making music his heart truly resonated with,he was with the love of his life,and things seemed good. To some extent,things were good,but to other extents they really weren't. He had always been a good actor,so good he convinced himself it would all blow over.

Laurence was quite the opposite,his skies of grey spilled from his heart into his world,although he had his two best friends beside him,nothing had much meaning,there was comfort in writing stories but it was becoming more of an avoidance now. Gradomina occupied his heart but it was becoming more of a stranded ruin with every passing day.

They relied so much on one another for so long,to be without each other felt like being torn apart.

Life was about to change though. One text was enough to bring it all back together.

It was early morning when it came through,Laurence was fast asleep unaware of whats on the cards for his future. His phone chirped with a gentle ringtone,yet he didn't stir. It pinged again and this time its succeeded.

The man rolled over with a yawn,hitting the beside table with his hand,knocking his glasses somewhere across the room,until he found his phone buzzing with a black screen.

'Who the fuck is that?' He mumbled to himself,ending the call after much fussing about trying to click the right buttons in his blurry vision. it was too early for phone calls,nevermind full confession paragraphs.

Much to his relief,and half asleep state,it wasn't a full confession paragraph,rather a simple few words.

The phone number was unknown but the text seemed to be enough evidence of who was talking to him. After searching and finding his glasses he finally read the text fully.

You up for a drink this friday?~K

Kier Kemp. The man who would have torn the sun out of the sky for the band,who was so good at putting on a brave face even when he was at his lowest. It wasn't quite world changing,but it was definetely a good place to start the healing process.

With a fumbling of keys and a ding signifying the text's sent status,it was settled. Things were about to change.

Somewhere near London,a particular former red head smiled at his phone,he shouldn't have been nervous afterall.

Sure,does 7pm work for you?-Laurence.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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