Do you....

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Do you ever have this...this sadness.
Sadness for the past.
The past that's long gone.
It's long gone and you know you'll never feel it again.
The memories of the past.
How happy you were.
How much you loved doing the things you were passionate about.
How you cherished every single moment. Every single second.
Do you ever just...suddenly realize that you've changed? That the way you think and see things has changed.
Do you ever listen to sad songs that bring back memories. And not your childhood songs.
Song or music that make your memories flash before your eyes.
Music and lyrics that make you think.
Think of the past.
You're past.
Do you ever think about how wired everything is?
How nothing feels real anymore.
How you..don't feel real.
Or on the contrary.
Everything feels too real.

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